
Automatically joins your google meets so you don't have to!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Automatically joins your google meets so you don't have to!

Instructions for installation and use

  1. git clone https://github.com/lriley2020/gmeet_auto.git

  2. (Optional) Create a virtual environment: python3 -m venv gmeet_env ... and activate it: source gmeet_env/bin/activate

  3. python3 -m pip install -r gmeet_auto/requirements.txt

  4. macOS: brew install chromedriver


    linux: sudo apt install chromium-chromedriver or if your distro doesn't use apt, download from official chromium page

  5. Edit the hi.py file and find the section beginning ### gmeet link + setup ###. Add your meet code and message to the meet_code and chat_messg variables.

  6. Run the file with python3 ~/gmeet_auto/hi.py (you could schedule the execution of this script with cron)