

Primary LanguageShell


A time capsule for me, myself et moi:

Things you gonna need when setting up a new envrionment from scratch because you a) whoaaaa cool got a new computer b) decided to set up a new ✨ shiny ✨ linux distro.

Computer -- Mac Setup

  1. Change capslock to control -- System Preferences --> Keyboard --> Modifier Keys
  2. Get Firefox Nightly
  3. Get iTerm2
  4. Download XCode -- could be done automagically with trying anything git related
  5. Get dracula theme for iTerm2
  6. Install brew:
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"


  1. Will need to add ssh key as a new account. Steps can be followed here
  2. Alternatively, a better way to do it, is to airdrop yourself previous ssh keys from your previous account. Those should be under:
$ ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub


  1. You're going to need [vundler] installed. Get it here
$ git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
  1. YouCompleteMe vim plugin needs to be compiled.
  • first install CMake
    $ brew install CMake
  • then run:
      cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe

Installing files in this repo

All the files are gonna be symlinked to ~/, once you clone, run all the symlinks with:

$ ./setup.sh
  1. You will need a few things to get gpg stuff to work. Most of the docs are in this repo
  2. GPG keys need to be generated. Follow the instructions here
  3. get nvm


You gonna need to get tmux from a tarball, this needs a livent download, which could be done with sudo apt-get libevent. Once you got libevent, run the ush ./configure && make following sudo make install in the downloaded tmux tarball.