
github provider for township 🏡 🚀

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

township-github stability

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GitHub provider for township.


// index.js, your server file

var Github = require('township-github')
var explain = require('explain-error')
var Auth = require('township-auth')
var merry = require('merry')
var level = require('level')

var db = level('users')
var app = merry()

var github = Github({
  returnUrl: '<some-browser-url-we-control>',
  secret: '<our-secret>',
  name: 'our-app',
  id: '<our-id>'

var auth = Auth(db, {
  providers: { github: github.provider() }

  [ '/redirect', redirect ],
  [ '/register', {
    // your client.js file will be posting to this route 
    'post': register 
  } ],
  [ '/login', {
    'post': login
  } ]

function redirect (req, res, ctx, next) {
  var html = github.redirect(req, res)
  next(null, html)

function register (req, res, ctx, done) {
  _parseJson(req, function (err, json) {
    if (err) return done(err)
    var opts = {
      github: { code: json.code }
    auth.create(opts, done)

function login (req, res, ctx, done) {
  _parseJson(req, function (err, json) {
    if (err) return done(err)
    var opts = {
      github: { code: json.code }
    auth.verify('github', opts, done)

function _parseJson (req, cb) {
  req.pipe(concat(function (buf) {
    try {
      var json = JSON.parse(buf)
    } catch (err) {
      return cb(explain(err, 'error parsing JSON'))
    cb(null, json)

You will need a client to handle requests to the server's redirect and register/login routes. The following functions should get you started:

var xhr = require('xhr')

function redirect () {
  var url = '/redirect'
  xhr(url, function (err, res, body) {
    if (err) return console.log(err)

    var location = res.headers['x-github-oauth-redirect']
    window.location = location

function register() {
  // need to grab the code provided by GitHub
  var code = window.location.href.match(/\?code=(.*)/)[1]
  var json = {
    code: code
  var opts = {
    // or /login to verify user info
    uri: '/register',
    json: json,
    method: 'POST'

  xhr(opts, function (err, res, body) {
    if (err) return console.log(err)


github = Github(opts)

Create a new instance of township-github. Takes the following arguments:

  • opts.id: (required) the GitHub client ID
  • opts.secret: (required) the GitHub client secret
  • opts.name: (required) the GitHub application name for which id and secret were issued
  • opts.returnUrl: (required)

Alternatively GITHUB_ID, GITHUB_SECRET, GITHUB_NAME and GITHUB_RETURN_URL can be used too, which is useful when passing variables directly from process.env.

html = github.redirect(req, res)

Set 302 redirect headers to the GitHub oauth page and return a snippet of HTML.

provider = github.provider()

Create a new provider for township-auth.

See Also
