token: '',
twitch_id: '',
twitch_token: '',
twitch_secret: '',
activities: [
`Love has a cost, and both of us lost`,
`Mostly sleepless🌛`,
`Mewwme's Everywhere`,
defaultStatusType: 1, // 1: Playing, 2: Streaming, 3: Listening, 4: Watching
defaultStatus: "dnd", // idle, dnd, online
The "token" is the token of your discord bot. (If you haven't one, you can create one here: https://discord.com/developers/applications)
You can blank the "twitch_token" part for the moment.
In the twitch_id value, you will need to put the id of your twitch application here. (If you haven't one, you can create one here: https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps)
In the twitch_secret value, you will need to put the secret of your twitch application. (If you haven't one, you can create one here: https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps)
Finally you will need to put the id of your discord bot in the CLIENT_ID value (If you don't know how to get it, simply go on the page of your discord bot and on the "General informations" page, you will find a section "Application id" and then copy it)
When everything is ready, open a terminal in the folder and write: node index.js or node .
📝 Very important note:
Don't forget to add the mewwme.database.json
file if it is not done yet and see if there's {}
in the file.
- Add your twitch username
/add_your_twitch [your_username]
- Edit the twitch username that you added
/change_your_twitch [your_new_username]
- Display your current twitch
- Delete my twitch from the bot for a certain server
- Set the channel to send notifications
/set_notification_channel [channel_notification]
- Change the twitch of a member
/change_the_twitch_of_a_member [user] [new_twitch]
- Delete the twitch of a member
/delete_the_twitch_of_a_member [user]