
Port of aksakalli's jekyll-doc-theme to Hugo

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Project Docs

A software project theme for Hugo.

Quick start

Inside your website's theme directory, install the theme with git:

git clone https://github.com/lrntct/hugo-project-doc.git

Next, take a look in the exampleSite folder. This directory contains an example configuration file and the content for the demo. It serves as an example setup for your documentation.

Copy its content in the root directory of your website. Overwrite the existing config file if necessary.

The style sheets are written in scss and therefore need to be compiled into CSS before the site could be used. You can do it like so:

sass -t compressed _sass/main.scss:static/css/main.css

Hugo includes a development server, so you can view your changes as you go. Start it up with the following command:

hugo server

Now you can go to localhost:1313 and the Material theme should be visible.

To compile your site to the disk, just type hugo in the main directory.


This theme is a partial port of the jekyll-doc-theme from Can Güney Aksakalli. It takes some snippets from the DocDock and hugo-academic themes, written by Valere Jeantet and George Cushen, respectively. This README is inspired by hugo-material-docs from Digitalcraftsman.


The theme is released under the MIT license. Read the license for more information.