shared configurations repo for Codefresh GitOps runtimes


This repository stores configuration files that can be shared between runtimes.

Configuration definitions that will be stored in this repository:

  • Argo CD managed cluster
  • Git sources
  • Codefresh 3rd party integrations configuration
  • Ouath2 Authentications applications

Configurations will be synced and applied to specific runtimes or to all runtimes assoiciated wtih your Codefresh Account.

Repository structure

The base path of the repository will include 2 directories - resources and runtimes. The resources directory will include the following sub-directories:

  • all-runtimes-all-clusters - every manifest placed under this directory will end up in all the user's clusters
  • control-plane - used by managed runtimes. Every manifest placed here will be applied to each runtime's in-cluster
  • runtimes/<runtime_name> - a folder for each specific runtime.

Each manifest will be applied to all clusters in a specific runtime both control-plane and the runtime-specific directories are optional. The runtimes directory will include a separate sub-directory for each runtime installed in the cluster. Each such runtime-directory will include in-cluster.yaml

├── resources <───────────────────┐
│   ├── all-runtimes-all-clusters │
│   │   ├── manifest1.yaml        │
│   │   └── subfolder             │
│   │       └── manifest2.yaml    │
│   ├── control-planes            │
│   │   └── manifest3.yaml        │
│   ├── runtimes                  │
│   │   ├── runtime1              │
│   │   │   └── manifest4.yaml    │
│   │   └── runtime2              │
│   │       └── manifest5.yaml    │
│   └── manifest6.yaml            │
└── runtimes                      │
    ├── runtime1                  │ # references by <install_repo_1>/apps/runtime1/config_dir.json
    │   ├── in-cluster.yaml      ─┤ #      manage 'include' field to decide which dirs/files to sync to cluster
    │   └── other-cluster.yaml   ─┤ #      manage 'include' field to decide which dirs/files to sync to cluster
    └── runtime2                  │ # references by <install_repo_2>/apps/runtime2/config_dir.json
        └── in-cluster.yaml      ─┘ #      manage 'include' field to decide which dirs/files to sync to cluster