
Local copy of the demo to get Codefresh pipelines

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Octopub is a sample application designed to be deployed to a variety of platforms such as AWS Lambda, Kubernetes, and static web hosting. It also builds a number of test worker images, test scripts, and security packages.

Maven feed

A number of packages including SBOM packages and Lambda artifacts, are pushed to a public Maven repo hosted at https://octopus-sales-public-maven-repo.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/snapshot.

  • com.octopus:octopub-frontend - The static frontend website
  • com.octopus:octopub-frontend-sbom - The static frontend website SBOM
  • com.octopus:products-microservice-lambda - The product microservice native AWS Lambda (requires an external MySQL database)
  • com.octopus:products-microservice-lambda-jvm - The product microservice JVM AWS Lambda with built in H2 database
  • com.octopus:products-microservice-awssam - The product microservice SAM templates (sam.jvm.yaml and sam.native.yaml)
  • com.octopus:products-microservice-gcf-jar - The product microservice Google Cloud Function artifact
  • com.octopus:products-microservice-windows - The product microservice as a Windows executable
  • com.octopus:products-microservice-jar - The product microservice uber jar
  • com.octopus:products-microservice-systemd - The product microservice systemd service file
  • com.octopus:products-microservice-mysql-jar - The product microservice uber jar with MySQL
  • com.octopus:products-microservice-liquidbase - The product microservice Liquidbase database migration scripts. The changelog file is called product-changeLog.xml.
  • com.octopus:products-microservice-sbom - The product microservice SBOM
  • com.octopus:audit-microservice-lambda - The audit microservice native AWS Lambda (requires an external MySQL database)
  • com.octopus:audit-microservice-lambda-jvm - The audit microservice JVM AWS Lambda with built in H2 database
  • com.octopus:audit-microservice-awssam - The audit microservice SAM templates (sam.jvm.yaml and sam.native.yaml)
  • com.octopus:audit-microservice-jar - The audit microservice uber jar
  • com.octopus:audit-microservice-systemd - The audit microservice systemd service file
  • com.octopus:audit-microservice-mysql-jar - The audit microservice uber jar with MySQL
  • com.octopus:audit-microservice-liquidbase - The audit microservice Liquidbase database migration scripts. The changelog file is called audit-changeLog.xml.
  • com.octopus:audit-microservice-sbom - The audit microservice SBOM

Downloading files locally

You can download Zip Maven artifacts locally with a command like:

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.6.0:get "-DremoteRepositories=https://octopus-sales-public-maven-repo.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/snapshot/" -Dartifact=com.octopus:products-microservice-lambda:LATEST:zip

Jar files are downloaded with a command like:

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.6.0:get "-DremoteRepositories=https://octopus-sales-public-maven-repo.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/snapshot/" -Dartifact=com.octopus:products-microservice-gcf-jar:LATEST:jar

Replace com.octopus:products-microservice-lambda with the artifact ID listed in the previous section.

Docker images

The following images are built:

Image Description Port User ID Group ID Filesystem Write Access Required
octopussamples/octopub-products-microservice The backend products service with embedded database 8083 1001 1001 true
octopussamples/octopub-products-microservice-mysql The backend products service configured to use an external MySQL database 8083 1001 1001 true
octopussamples/octopub-audit-microservice The backend audits service with embedded database 10000 1001 1001 true
octopussamples/octopub-audit-microservice-mysql The backend audits service configured to use an external MySQL database 10000 1001 1001 true
octopussamples/octopub-frontend The frontend web UI 8080 101 101 true
octopussamples/octopub-selfcontained A self contained image with the frontend and backend services 8080 101 101 true
octopussamples/postman-worker-image A worker image that includes Postman
octopussamples/cypress-worker-image A worker image that includes Cypress

Helm charts

A number of helm charts are saved to the public Helm repo at https://octopus-sales-public-helm-repo.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/charts:

  • octopub-products-mysql - Deploys the products microservice with support for a MySQL database.
  • octopub-audits-mysql - Deploys the audits microservice with support for a MySQL database.
  • octopub-frontend - Deploys the frontend.

Install these charts locally with the following commands:

helm repo add SolutionEngineering https://octopus-sales-public-helm-repo.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/charts
helm upgrade -i octopubdb oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/mysql
helm upgrade -i --set database.hostname=octopubdb-mysql --set database.password=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default octopubdb-mysql -o jsonpath="{.data.mysql-root-password}" | base64 -d) octopusprod SolutionEngineering/octopub-products-mysql
helm upgrade -i \
  --set productEndpointOverride=http://$(kubectl get services octopusprod-octopub-products-mysql -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}")/api/products \
  octopusweb SolutionEngineering/octopub-frontend

Local testing

To test Octopub locally, use the supplied Docker Compose file:

cd compose
docker-compose up

You can then access the page at http://localhost:5001.

Database migration examples

If you wish to demonstrate a database migration using the com.octopus:products-microservice-liquidbase or com.octopus:audit-microservice-liquidbase packages, the script below provdes an example with the Liquibase docker image:

echo "##octopus[stdout-verbose]"
docker pull liquibase/liquibase
echo "##octopus[stdout-default]"

cd products-microservice-liquidbase

docker run -e INSTALL_MYSQL=true --rm -v ${PWD}:/liquibase/changelog liquibase/liquibase \
  "--changeLogFile=product-changeLog.xml" \
  "--username=#{Database.Username}" \
  "--password=#{Database.Password}" \
  "--url=jdbc:mysql://#{Database.Hostname}:3306/product?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true" \

Configuration Options

Frontend App

The configuration of the frontend web app is done by modifying the config.json file. This can be done two ways:

  1. Modify the JSON directly when the static web app is uploaded directly to a hosting platform
  2. Configure the Docker image to modify the JSON when the container is started

Option 2 is achieved using the Ultimate Docker Launcher (UDL), which is baked into the Docker images. UDL modifies data files, like config files, based on environment variables. A common set of environment variables is:

  • UDL_SKIPEMPTY_SETVALUE_1 = [/usr/share/nginx/html/config.json][productEndpoint]/#{ProductsMicroserviceBaseUrl}/api/products
  • UDL_SKIPEMPTY_SETVALUE_2 = [/usr/share/nginx/html/config.json][productHealthEndpoint]/#{ProductsMicroserviceBaseUrl}/health/products
  • UDL_SKIPEMPTY_SETVALUE_3 = [/usr/share/nginx/html/config.json][auditEndpoint]/#{ProductsMicroserviceBaseUrl}/api/audits
  • UDL_SKIPEMPTY_SETVALUE_4 = [/usr/share/nginx/html/config.json][auditHealthEndpoint]/#{ProductsMicroserviceBaseUrl}/health/audits