
Arkanoid with Deep Q-Learning using TensorFlow.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ArkanAI 🧱🧠

Arkanoid with Deep Q-Learning using TensorFlow.js.



  • Double online and target networks
  • Dueling architecture -> Advantage + Value = Q
  • Prioritized experience replay Combined experience replay


  • Noisy network replacing ε-greedy exploration
  • 🌈 ??



npm ci


npm run start # serves game at http://localhost:3000 and starts agent at http://localhost:5000 concurrently


  • index.js
const agentSettings = {
  epsilon: 1, // Exploration rate
  epsilonDecay: 0.00005, // Exploration decay
  epsilonMin: 0.01, // Exploration minimum
  gamma: 0.95, // Discount factor
  tau: 1000, // Update of target network
  memory: {
    batchSize: 64,
    cer: true, // Combined experience replay
    size: 100000
  network: {
    alpha: 0.00025, // Learning rate
    inputSize: 5,
    layers: [
      // Hidden layers
      { activation: 'relu', units: 64 },
      { activation: 'relu', units: 64 }
    outputSize: 3
  • public/arkanai.js
const settings = {
  alpha: 1,
  ball: { colors: ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'white', 'yellow'], radius: 2, sides: 12, speed: 3 },
  brick: { colors: ['#957dad', '#d291bc', '#e0bbe4', '#fec8d8', '#ffdfd3'], height: 8, padding: 2, width: 18 },
  padding: 20,
  paddle: { color: '#4020d0', height: 5, speed: 2, width: 30 },
  rows: 5,
  size: { height: 200, width: 200 },
  targetMeanScore: 1000 // 0 runs forever