
Candlestick chart visualizer for Botija's Volcan trading strategy

Primary LanguageJavaScript

vauquita 🐄 · Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

A lightweight batteries-included template for React apps.



$ npm ci

Starting DEV

$ npm run start

Building for production

$ npm run build

Environment variables

Create ./.env.local file to modify environment variables locally, this file will take precedence over ./.env which is intended for production.


Linting will occur automatically on commit. You can still lint manually:

$ npm run lint


Before you start

Make sure you start fresh with latest versions for all dependencies:

$ npm run upgrade
$ npm run nuke

What happens if something breaks when upgrading X dependency?

  • We fix it by referring to X's documentation and PR :)


  1. Change project name in ./package.json file.
  2. Replace all occurrences of vauquita to new name in all .js and .jsx files (i.e. replace from 'vauquita/ to from 'my-amazing-project/).
  3. Run npm run nuke.

You'll now be able to import by doing import { someComponent } from 'my-amazing-project/components', given that someComponent was added to src/components/index.js accordingly.

Detaching from vauquita's Git (starts a new repository)

$ npx rimraf .git && git init


Refer to webpack's documentation to add file types (e.g. add support for mp4 files) or customize building.