
Error when try to rosrun whycon

sdorman opened this issue · 9 comments

I’m trying to run Whycon using ROS Kinetic with a USB camera on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I followed the whycon tutorial to calibrate the camera. After calibration, I ran in my home directory $ROS_NAMESPACE =usb_cam rosrun image_proc image_proc
And in a new terminal: $rosrun image_view image_view image:=usb_cam/image_rect_color
This worked with no issues. I then unpacked the calibration data from the tar.gz file using $tar -xvzf and then converted the ost.txt file to an ost.ini via $mv ost.txt ost.ini and then ran $rosrun camera_calibration_parsers convert ost.ini whycon_transforms.yml to convert to a yml file.
I sourced catkin_ws and then moved up to the whycon directory to run $rosrun whycon whycon _targets:=1. Here I get the error “could not load file”.

This error also occurs in any other directory than my catkin_ws/src folder. If I move back to ~/catkin_ws/src I get the following error.

I’ve tried redownloading Whycon and repeating the entire process but that did not work. I’m not sure where I went wrong, but any help would be appreciated. I’ve included the yml file in question and the whycon_ros.cpp that pulls the whycon_transforms.yml file.



the message about the YML file is only a warning. This file is created during whycon calibration stage which allows you to map 3D positions to 2D positions. It should not impede you from getting an output.
Please check output topics (image output and target poses) to verify whycon is working.

I ran rostopic list and received the following outputs:
But I still don't have anything appearing in the rviz viewer, it's just the blank grid.

I'm sorry, I'm really new to ROS. What exactly do you mean "subscribed rviz on the corresponding topic"?

I also posted the question on here :
I did solve my issue (not seeing anything in rviz and the missing transforms.yml). I had to run whycon.rviz rather than just rviz and I had to subscribe to PoseArray. The whycon_transforms.yml was created by running set_axis.

I also posted the question on here :
I did solve my issue (not seeing anything in rviz and the missing transforms.yml). I had to run whycon.rviz rather than just rviz and I had to subscribe to PoseArray. The whycon_transforms.yml was created by running set_axis.

Hello, I still don't understand how to solve these problems. Do you have detailed troubleshooting steps? This software is very difficult to install. . .

sir,while installing whycon in ubuntu 16.04 with comaand "git clone"
and they asked for username and password.I entered those of github account.
And the output is "Repository not found"