How run Whycon?
ChristianRG27 opened this issue · 0 comments
First of all, sorry for my English, I'm studying English at this moment.
How everyone know, the oficial tutorial to run Whycon is for last version, no for the actual version, so I'm having many problems to run it. I can run all and detect all markers great, but I don't get put the correct axis, because I want that the marker of under and left be the (0,0), and I dont' get it.
I'm running it in this order:
roslaunch video_stream_opencv rtsp_stream.launch
(because I'm using the mobile phone cam)
ROS_NAMESPACE=rtsp2 rosrun image_proc image_proc
(to process the image)
roslaunch whycon set_axis.launch
rosrun whycon whycon _targets:=4
Thus, it has created the file whycon_transforms.yml, with the correct transformations and rotations, but when I show the topic /whycon/image_out, this transformations don't have been applicated.
cd catkin_ws/src/whycon/src/launch
rosrun rviz rviz -d whycon.rviz
And optionally (I think), run this:
rosrun whycon robot_pose_publisher
When I run the last code line, if I look in topic /whycon/transformer, I can see four markers which have positions (0,0), (1,0), (0,1), (1,1) more or less, but in the output image we can't see that.
Please, how I run this with the correct axes?