
LINBOX is a distributed IM system designed for www.medtree.cn.

Primary LanguageJava


LINBOX is a distributed IM system designed for www.medtree.cn.

Download medtree app for iphone at here

Download medtree app for android at here


  • Netty and tcp protocol
  • Kafka as center MQ
  • Dubbo as rpc framework
  • Zookeeper as config center


Build the project:

gradle zip

distribution package is under


Unzip it and start the server:

# start the tcp client:
sh tcpServer.sh

# start the router:
sh consumer.sh

# start the rpc client
sh rpcServer.sh

High availablity and scaliability

Linbox is distributed by design. All of the components of linbox - tcp client, rpc client and router - are all distributed.

Steps to prompt availability:

  • Use zookeeper cluster
  • Use Kafka cluster
  • Use tcp client cluster
  • Use rpc client cluster
    • rpc.xml need to be configured for pointed rpc port, or you can use dynamic ports generated by system.
  • Use router client cluster


Java Version

JDK-1.8 is required to build and run it.

Security Update For JRE

Be carefual: as we use AES-256 encryption, you need to download packages to update your local jre environment.

  • Download package at here
  • Unzip and copy the jars into ${java.home}/jre/lib/security/

Click this for detail information for this problem.


Mysql database is used as persistence storage for im messages.

Mysql Versions

There is no special requirement for mysql version. But if you want to use emojis, you need to use mysql version 5.6+, and config the character set to utf8mb4.

Predefined Tables

You can find all mysql operations in package com.linbox.im.server.storage

There are 4 tables predefined in programs, sql script could be find in mysql.sql


Config mysql connection in im.properties


Config redis connection in im.properties


Zookeeper is used as config center of the project. It is also a dependency of dubbo and Kafka. Config Zookeeper in rpc.xml


Kafka is used as Center MQ. Kafka is configd in im.properties



Communication Protocol

Linbox use tcp protocal and JSON structure in communication. Data package structure is designed as below:

Version Type Length Content
2 Byte 2 Byte 4 Byte JSON String
Name Description
Version A flag to show the protocol version of the package
Type Request / Response command type
Length The length of the content part
Content Encrypted Data content structured in json

Main Communications

Get history messages


Get unread count and messages


Send messages
