
Create backups of virtual machine

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT

KVM backup

Create backups of virtual machines

This script allows to create backups of virtual machines managed by libvirt and running on LVM volumes.


This script creates a Live-Backup via lvm snapshot from virtual machines running on the host. In general, the script works like this:

  • Get list of running machines

    virsh list

  • Create an XML dump of the machines

    virsh dumpxml $machine

  • Create a LVM snapshot of the used volumes

    lvcreate -s -L 2G -n $machine-snap /dev/vg1/$machine

  • Dump the snapshot into a local file (might take time!)

    cat /dev/vg1/$machine-snap > $blockid-name.img

  • Remove the snapshot

    lvremove -f /dev/vg1/$machine-snap


If you want to restore the backup, just have a look in the (sub-)directory of your backup directories with the machine name. Here you should find the images and the xml:

  • Restore file systems (repeat for all image files):

    cat $backupdir/$blockid-name.img > /dev/vg1/$machine

  • Re-create the virtual machine

    virsh define $backupdir/$machine.xml


virsh create --console $backupdir/$machine.xml


This script was written by Lars Vogdt lars@linux-schulserver.de for own purposes, but maybe used by others.