
The HTML/JS website component of the new Hummingbird iOS and Android apps. Allows the Hummingbird to be programmed using a Snap!-like interface.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


  1. Overview (for backend developers)
  2. Request list
  3. Overview (for frontend developers)

Overview (for backend developers)

This is the code for the BirdBlox JavaScript frontend. It is responsible for handling all the UI, block execution, etc. for the BirdBlox application. It is designed to run inside of a containing application (iOS or Android apps, for example). Anything the js code can't do by itself (issuing bluetooth commands, showing dialogs, saving files) is passed on to the containing application (backend) in the form of get/post requests. To ensure the backend always has an updated version of the frontend, clone the frontend's git repo into the backend and to a pull when changes are made. For debugging purposes, you can also set the frontend to be automatically downloaded from git on launch, but this is not used in the release version.

The responsibilities of the backend are the following:

  • Display the HTML/JS frontend in some sort of webview that the user can interact with.
  • Connect to and communicate with bluetooth-enabled robots.
  • Provide sensor information (accelerometers, etc.) from the device to the frontend when requested.
  • Display dialogs when requested.
  • Play sounds when requested.
  • Save, open, and delete files to app storage.
  • Track which file is currently open.
  • Record sounds to the currently open file
  • Export/import files to/from other applications on the device.
  • Save/access key-value pairs used to store settings.

The frontend uses GET/POST requests to send messages to the backend. GET requests are normally used, but POST requests are used for saving files. HTTP response codes are used to signal errors. Unless otherwise specified, any 200-type code can be used to signal success and any 400 or 500 code can signal an error.

The backend sends messages to the frontend by directly calling a frontend function in CallbackManager.js. These functions return a boolean that is true if the request succeeded and false if the request is malformed. This is for debugging purposes only, so there is no need to check for and handle the false case.

On iOS, we have switched to a more direct method of communication (instead of GET/POST), where the JS calls swift functions to send messages. It directly calls the function window.webkit.messageHandlers.serverSubstitute.postMessage, passing a JSON object containing the data that would normally be transferred using HTTP. This enabled us to remove the server from the iOS backend.

Request list

Bluetooth scanning

The backend and frontend communicate about specific Bluetooth robots using the robots' ids. On Android, Mac Addresses are used as ids while iOS provides its own unique Bluetooth ids. All requests mentioning a specific robot will have an id=[device_id] parameter.

The frontend will initialize bluetooth scans using the robot/startDiscover request. These scans last for a reasonable amount of time as to not drain the battery. The backend then calls CallbackManager.robot.discovered with the list of discovered devices every time a new device is found. The frontend will call robot/stopDiscover to request that a scan be ended. If the scan times out before stopDiscover is called, the backend calls CallbackManager.robot.discoverTimeOut, and the frontend might restart the scan. In any other case that a scan stops (including when the frontend calls robot/stopDiscover), CallbackManager.robot.stopDiscover is called.


Request format:
Example request: 

When received, the backend begins a scan of unpaired devices of the specified type. If it is currently scanning for a different type of device, that scan is stopped and results are cleared. If a scan of the specified type is already occurring, no action is taken.


Request format:

Stops the current scan if any.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.robot.discovered(robotTypeId: string, robotList: string) -> boolean
    robotList - A percent encoded JSON array of objects, each containing name and id fields
Example call:
    CallbackManager.robot.discovered("flutter", encoded);
    where encoded is '[{"id":"my_id","name":"my_name"}]' percent encoded

Called any time a new device is discovered during a scan


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.robot.discoverTimeOut(robotTypeId: string) -> boolean
Example call:

Tells the frontend that the discover timed out so the frontend has a chance to start the discover again.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.robot.stopDiscover(robotTypeId: string) -> boolean
Example call:

Tells the frontend that the discover stopped so the frontend has a chance to start the discover again. Called any time a scan stops unless it timed out.

Robot connection/disconnection

The frontend will tell the backend when to connect to or disconnect from a robot using the /robot/connect and robot/disconnect requests. The backend maintains a list of devices the frontend wants to connect to, and devices are instantaneously added or removed from that list as the frontend requests. The frontend has a similar list (visible to the user in the ConnectMultipleDialog) and it is important that these lists on the frontend and backend are always in sync. One the backend adds a device to this list (which we'll call the connection list), it attempts to connect to the device itself (asynchronously). The backend then calls CallbackManager.robot.updateStatus with isConnected = true when the device does connect and makes the same call with isConnected = false if the device ever unexpectedly disconnects. However, no devices should be removed from the connection list without the frontend's knowledge. If the frontend disconnects from a robot, it is removed from the connection list and treated as if it is disconnected while the actual disconnection occurs asynchronously.

On connection to the robot, the backend checks the firmware version. If the firmware is out of date but still compatible with the app it calls CallbackManager.robot.updateFirmwareStatus. If the firmware is incompatible, it calls CallbackManager.robot.disconnectIncompatible and immediately removes the robot from the connection list. This is the only time where the backend removes something from the list without the frontend making a request.


Request format:
Example request: 

Tells the backend to connect to a device. If the device is on the devices found during the last scan, the backend adds it to the connection list and tries to connect to it. Otherwise it returns a 404.


Request format:
Example request: 

Tells the backend to disconnect from a device. If the device is on the connection list, it removes it from the list and tries to disconnect from it. Otherwise, it returns a 404.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.robot.updateStatus(robotId: string, isConnected: boolean) -> boolean
    isConnected - Whether the backend is able to communicate with the robot
Example call:
    CallbackManager.robot.updateStatus("myrobotid", true);

Tells the frontend whether a given robot is in good communication with the backend. When the robot is first connected, the fronted assumes isConnected is false. This function should be called with isConnected = true as soon as the robot connects, and with isConnected = false if it subsequently unexpectedly disconnects.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.robot.updateFirmwareStatus(robotId: string, status: string) -> boolean
    status - ["upToDate"|"old"|"incompatible"]
Example call:
    CallbackManager.robot.updateFirmwareStatus("myrobotid", "old");

Tells the frontend the status of the robot's firmware. Frontend initially assumes firmware is up to date, so the function should be called with status = "old" if the backend discovers that the firmware is old but compatible. If the backend finds the firmware to be incompatible, CallbackManager.robot.disconnectIncompatible should be used instead.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.robot.disconnectIncompatible(robotId: string, 
        oldFirmware: string, minFirmware: string) -> boolean
    oldFirmware - percent encoded version of firmware that was on the robot
    minFirmware - percent encoded minimum version of firmware the backend requires
Example call:
    CallbackManager.robot.disconnectIncompatible("myrobotid", "1.3", "2.0");

Tells the frontend that a robot has been removed from the connection list because its firmware was incompatible. The frontend will then remove the device from its own connection list and notify the user of the incompatible firmware, providing an option to view instructions to update the firmware.


Request format:
Example request: 

When received, the backend redirects the user to a website containing instructions to update the firmware of their device. The website may depend on the type of robot. Currently this website is http://www.hummingbirdkit.com/learning/installing-birdblox#BurnFirmware


Request format:

If the firmware of the robot is up to date, this command presents an alert dialog with the text and a single option "Dismiss":

Hummingbird Peripheral
Name: [robot name from mac address]
Bluetooth Name: [actual gap name]
Hardware Version: [hardware version]
Firmware Version: [firmware version]

If the firmware isn't up to date, an additional line, Firmware update available is included with options "Dismiss" and "Update firmware", which links to the update page.

Robot blocks

These commands are used for blocks that control the inputs/outputs of the robots. Some commands (like the tri-led command) are shared between different types of robots. Since the BLE command may vary by robot type, a parameter type is provided for all commands. A robot is is also provided. The only exception is the /robot/stopAll command, since it affects all robots.

On the backend, sensor values are regularly polled and cached so that the sensor requests can be immediately responded to with the cached values. For outputs, the has a state object which represents the state of all the outputs of a given robot. When an output request is made, the state is modified. It is then regularly synced with the robot using a set all BLE command. To prevent states from being missed (for example, if the user turns the LED on and off quickly), the backend actually tracks the current and pending states of the outputs, and only processes a command when the relevant output for that command has the same value in both states. Otherwise, the command waits in a queue. More detail can be found in the backend code.

All robot commands should return an error response code if the specified device is not connected.


Request format:

Turns off all the robot's outputs (LEDs, motors, servos, etc). On backends using the direct call system, also empties the queue of unprocessed robot block requests.


Request format:
    type - ["sensor"|"temperature"|"distance"|"sound"|"light"|"soil"]
Example request: 
Example response:

Returns the sensor value of the robot. Might be scaled differently depending on the type of sensor


Request format:
    angle - int from 0 to 180


Request format:
    angle - int from -100 to 100


Request format:
    intensity - int from 0 to 100


Request format:
    intensity - int from 0 to 100


Request format:
    red - int from 0 to 100
    green - int from 0 to 100
    blue - int from 0 to 100


Request format:
    volume - int from 0 to 100
    frequency - int from 0 to 20000

Tablet sensors

Different tablets have varying sensors that can be read using the sensor blocks. The frontend is told the reading and availability of sensors using the below requests If the tablet doesn't have the necessary permissions or hardware for a request, it should return an error and in the response body include a description of the error that can be shown to the user.


Request format:
Example response:

Returns a "\n" separated list of sensors the device supports. For technical reasons, iOS always returns "" to this request and uses the callback functions to give this information instead.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.robot.availableSensors(sensorList: string) -> boolean
    sensorList - percent encoded, "\n" separated list of sensors the device supports
Example call:
    where sensorList is the percent encoded form of "accelerometer\nbarometer\nmicrophone\ngps"


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.robot.addSensor(sensor: string) -> boolean
    sensor - ["accelerometer", "barometer", "microphone", "gps"]

Tells the frontend to add the sensor to the list of supported sensors.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.robot.removeSensor(sensor: string) -> boolean
    sensor - ["accelerometer", "barometer", "microphone", "gps"]

Tells the frontend to remove the sensor from the list of supported sensors.


Request format:
Example responses:

Returns whether the tablet was shaken. After returning true, it returns false on subsequent calls until the tablet is shaken again.


Request format:
Example responses:
    My WiFi

Returns the name of the WiFi the tablet is connected to or null if it is not connected to anything.


Request format:
Example responses:

Returns the a pressure in kilopascals


Request format:
Example responses:

Returns the change in the device's altitude (in meters) since the app was opened. This is determined using the device's barometer


Request format:
Example responses:
    Landscape: home button on left
    Landscape: home button on right
    Portrait: home button on bottom
    Portrait: home button on top
    In between

Returns a string indicating the device's orientation.


Request format:
Example response:
    7.432 4.295 -1.568

Returns the change in the device's acceleration in the x, y, and z directions, separated by spaces. This should be the total acceleration (including gravity)


Request format:
Example response:
    100.456 70.823

Returns the latitude and longitude separated by spaces. Prompts for location permission if not granted yet.


There are three main types of dialogs: prompt, choice, alert. Prompt dialogs let the user enter text. Choice dialogs give the user two options to choose from. Alert dialog contain text and only one option.

Dialogs are presented in response to http requests. When the user responds, a function in the CallbackManager should be called. Only one dialog will be requested at a time. Dialogs that are presented for a reason other than the commands below do not need to call CallbackManager functions.


Request format:
    title - The text to show in the top of the dialog
    question - The text to show in the body of the dialog
    prefill - (possibly "") The text that should already be in the dialog
    placeholder - (possibly "") The text to show in gray when nothing has been entered yet
    selectAll - ["true"|"false"], whether the prefill text should start out as selected

Shows a dialog and calls CallbackManager.dialog.promptResponded when it is responded to.


Request format:
    title - The text to show in the top of the dialog
    question - The text to show in the body of the dialog
    button1 - The text to show on the first button
    button2 - (optional) The text to show on the second button 

Shows a choice dialog, or an alert dialog (if only one button is provided). Calls CallbackManager.dialog.choiceResponded when it is responded to.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.dialog.promptResponded(canceled: boolean, response: string) -> boolean
    canceled - Whether the dialog was closed without response
    response - (optional) Percent encoded response to the dialog. Included iff !canceled
Example call:
    CallbackManager.dialog.promptResponded(true, "Hello");


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.dialog.choiceResponded(canceled: boolean, firstSelected: boolean) -> boolean
    canceled - Whether the dialog was closed without being answered
    firstSelected - Whether the first option was selected
Example call:
    CallbackManager.dialog.choiceResponded(false, true);

If the dialog is an alert, the values of the booleans doesn't matter, but the most sensible selection is canceled = false and firstSelected = true


Settings provide a way for the frontend to store and read from a key/value settings system


Request format:
Example request: 
Example response:

A 404 response is generated if the key does not have an assigned value.


Request format:
Example request: 

File management

These commands deal with creating/renaming/copying/deleting/listing locally stored files. The backend always keeps track of the currently open file, so it can be reopened if the app is closed in the background due to lack of memory. Files are autosaved as the user edits them, and are created and managed through an open dialog on the screen.

Some characters are not valid for file names. They include \\/:*?<>|.\n\r\0\" and should be replaced with _ on import. No files with illegal characters should be present locally.

Some file management commands can also be used to manage recordings. These requests have a type parameter with a value of either "file" or "recording". Recordings have the same restrictions for valid names.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.data.open(fileName: string, data: string) -> boolean
    fileName - percent encoded name to show in the title
    data - percent encoded XML data of the file

Tells the frontend to load up the data from a file. Called during imports, on app startup (if the project was left open in the background), op when requested using /data/open.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.data.filesChanged() -> boolean

Tells the frontend that the list of locally stored files has changed. Refreshes the UI's list of files.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.data.markLoading() -> boolean

Tells the frontend to close the open dialog and show "Loading..." in the title bar. Called when the frontend is in the process of opening a file.


Request format:
Example response:

Returns a JSON object with an array of file names (key="file"). On Android, it also includes whether the user is signed in to cloud storage (key="signedIn") and if so, the account they are signed in to (key="account"). Note that the list of files includes only local files. The cloud storage related data is needed for the tab at the top of the Open dialog.


Request format:

Tells the backend to open the specified file. The backend responds to this request quickly, with 200 if the file exists, or en error otherwise. It can then take as much time as it needs to get the project data, which it returns using CallbackManager.data.open. Stores filename as the currently open file.


Request format:

Tells the backend that there is no longer any file open. Triggered when the user opens the OpenDialog


Request format:

Tells the backend to create a new file with the specified name. If the name is in use or invalid, the backend should respond with an error.


Request format:
    type - ["file"|"recording"]

Tells the backend to rename the file. If the file does not exist, an error should be returned. If oldFilename equals newFilename, no action should be performed. If newFilename is in use or invalid, the backend should signal an error. Behavior is similar for recordings.


Request format:
    type - ["file"|"recording"]

Tells the backend to delete the file/recording. Throws an error if the file does not exist.


Request format:

Creates a copy of the file with the specified name. Throws an error if newFilename is in use or invalid


Request format:
    type - ["file"|"recording"]
    tlx - x coord of top left point where export sheet should appear
    tly - y coord of top left point where export sheet should appear
    brx - x coord of bottom right point where export sheet should appear
    bry - y coord of bottom right point where export sheet should appear

Exports the specified file. On iOS, coords are used to determine sheet location.


Request format:
    type - ["file"|"recording"]
Example response:
    {"availableName":"my file (2)", "alreadySanitized":true, "alreadyAvailable":false

Checks if the provided file name would be valid for a new file/recording. Returns a JSON object with a close (or identical) name that is valid (key="availableName"), and booleans indicating if the initial name contained no illegal characters and was not in use already (keys "alreadySanitized" and "alreadyAvailable", respectively). Both booleans are true iff the available name equals the initial name.


POST Request format:
POST request body includes XML data

Sends the data from the currently open file to the backend so it can be saved. Called once every 15 seconds and whenever an edit is made.

Cloud storage

On iOS, cloud storage is handled using the system's UI, while on Android, the BirdBlox app provides its own UI for managing cloud storage. The cloud/showPicker request is for iOS and shows this UI, while the other cloud requests are for Android.


Request format:

Tells the backend to show the cloud picker UI. Called from the open dialog. When a file is selected from the UI, it should be opened with /data/open.


Request format:

Begins Dropbox authentication


Request format:

Signs out of Dropbox account


Request format:
Example response:

Returns a JSON object with “files” = a JSON array of filenames on the user's cloud storage


Request format:

Attempts to download the given file. If there is a name conflict, presents the user with three options: cancel, rename, and overwrite. If they choose rename and enter a conflicting name, shows the same dialog again. If the download is not canceled, shows a dialog box with a cancel option and a loading bar. If an error occurs, change the text of the dialog to notify the user of the error. They will then have to select “cancel” to continue. If the file specified does not exist, or there is no internet connection, presents a dialog indicating this. This command only returns a response when there is no cloud account connected.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.data.open(filename: string) -> boolean
    filename - percent encoded name of the file that downloaded

Tells the frontend that a file just finished downloading


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.data.signIn() -> boolean

Tells the frontend that the user added a Dropbox account. Called only once the account name is known, so it can be requested and displayed.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.cloud.filesChanged(newList: string) -> boolean
    newList - Percent encoded JSON object with list of new files
Example call:
    where newList is the percent encoded form of: {"files":["project1","project2"]}

Notifies the frontend that the files in the cloud list have changed (when an upload completes, for example) and includes a JSON object with the new files


Request format:

Uploads a file from the user’s device to the cloud. Similarly to download, it prompts for name conflicts and display a loading bar for upload, providing the user with an option to cancel. Calls CallbackManager.cloud.filesChanged() when complete


Request format:

Presents a dialog for the user to input a name. Re-prompts the user if the name is invalid or taken. Calls CallbackManager.cloud.filesChanged() if the file is ultimately renamed.


Request format:

Presents a dialog to confirm deletion, then deletes the file from cloud storage. Calls CallbackManager.cloud.filesChanged() if the file is ultimately deleted


There are 3 main types of sounds: UI sounds (the snap noise when blocks connect), sound effects (the built in sounds controlled by the sound block), and recordings (sounds created by the user). These commands handle sound playback. File management for recordings is handled by /data commands, while recording creation uses /sound/recording commands. UI sounds are stored in the frontend's SoundsForUI folder, while sound effects are stored in SoundClips.


Request format:
    type - ["effect"|"recording"]
Example response:

Returns a list of sound effects or recordings, separated by new lines (without file extensions)


Request format:

Stops all currently running sounds of all types


Request format:
    type - ["effect"|"recording"]
Example response:

Gets the length of the sound in milliseconds


Request format:
    type - ["effect"|"recording"|"ui"]

Plays the sound. Does not stop previous sounds.


Request format:
    note - int
    duration - number (time in ms)


Request format:
Example responses:
    Permission denied
    Requesting permission

Attempts to start recording in the current project. Returns a 200 response with either Started, Requesting permission, or Permission denied, and attempts to ask for recording permissions from the user, if required


Request format:

Stops and saves the current recording


Request format:

Pauses recording so it can be resumed and saved


Request format:

Continues recording a paused recording


Request format:

Deletes the current recording. Does nothing if no recordings are being created


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.sounds.recordingEnded() -> boolean

Tells the frontend that recording has stopped unexpectedly. Called if the user navigates away from the app or receives a phone call while recording.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.sounds.recordingsChanged() -> boolean

Tells the frontend that the list of recordings has changed. This generally does not need to be called after /sound/recording/stop unless there is some delay before the recordings are saved


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.sounds.permissionGranted() -> boolean

Tells the frontend that recording permissions have just been granted

Error logging

When the JS encounters an error, it uses these commands to log it in the backend. The user can send these logs to use by long pressing the settings icon and selecting "Send error logs".


POST Request format:
    POST Body: error information

Called when the frontend encounters an error. The POST body includes a stack trace of the error. When called, the backend appends the information to a log file, with a newline above and below the log. If the size of the file exceeds 40 kb, the backend deletes the first half of the file.


Request format:

When called, the frontend shows a share sheet for the error log file. If there is no log file yet, it creates a new one with the first line BEGIN ERRROR LOG.



Request format:
Example responses:
    Android 6.0
    Kindle 5.0
    iOS 7.0

Returns the version of the OS, starting with "iOS" for iOS devices, "Kindle" for all kindles, and "Android" for all other Android devices.


Request format:
Example response:
    10.5 6.5

Returns the width and height of the screen in cm, separated by spaces


Request format:

Tells the backend that the frontend's UI has loaded, so it can do any additional setup. No callbacks should be called until the content is laoded. This is a good time to call CallbackManager.data.open.


Callback signature:
    CallbackManager.sounds.echo(request: string) -> boolean
    request - A percent encoded HTTP request
Example call:
    where request is a percent encoding of "prompt/?title=Some&question=Thing"

Called when the backend needs to tell the frontend to make a request to the backend. Sometimes desirable, apparently. The request parameter must be a percent encoded request, and that request must have its parameters further percent encoded. The request should contain everything that would normally follow http://localhost:22179/

Overview (for frontend developers)

  1. UI Overview
  2. Block execution
  3. Defining Blocks
  4. Data types
  5. Categories

Before reading this section, you may want to read the overview for backend developers and the Bluetooth pairing system to understand how the backend will be interacting with the application.

UI Overview

All the UI for the frontend is generated dynamically when the application is loaded. In fact, the only HTML file in the project consists primarily of script tags linking to the .js files, and a single SVG tag, which the rest of the UI is housed within. Using an SVG instead of a canvas or other html elements means that the interface is sharp on high-resolution screens and looks the same on all devices.

For faster loading, there are two HTML files: HummginbirdDragAndDrop2.html is used for testing the frontend on a computer and loads all the .js files individually. HummingbirdDragAndDrop.html only loads the all.js file, which is a concatenation of all the files referenced in HummginbirdDragAndDrop2.html, in order. all.js is generated by running appender.py, which should be run before each commit, as it is the only .js file the backend will see.

The UI initializes starting from the file GuiElements.js. A number of groups are created as layers for the UI, and then GuiElements goes through two initialization phases. During the first, GuiElements sets and computes the values of constants (elements widths, etc.) which are then used during the second phase when elements of the UI are actually drawn. This means that constants set in the first phase (for example the width of the sidebar) can be used by other classes during the drawing phase, even if they appear before the class where the constant was set. Since classes in JS are essentially functions, the constant setting phase of most classes is triggered by running a sub-function called setGraphics or setConstants, then the drawing phase is triggered by running the class's function itself. See BlockPalette.js for an example of this. All constant values used in the UI (block dimensions, colors, fonts, etc.) are stored in a SetConstants or a similar function. No values are hardcoded into the main code.

Block execution

Most messages passed to blocks (stop, flag, broadcast events, etc.) are passed recursively. They originate in CodeManager.js, which calls TabManager.js (which deals with the tab bar at the top of the screen) It then passes the message to all its tabs. Each tab calls functions in that tab's BlockStacks. Each BlockStack in turn tells the first Block in that stack, which tells the next block, etc. At the same time, Blocks pass messages to their Slots and BlockSlots (found in loops and if statements). Slots pass messages to the Blocks connected to them, and BlockSlots to the first Block within them.

Block execution occurs similarly, with a timer (housed in CodeManager) firing repeatedly and triggering updates in each Tab, BlockStack, and whichever block is currently executing within that stack. Each BlockStack has a pointer to the currently executing Block within it. When a Block's execution is updated using Block.updateRun(). For Command Blocks (blocks which are rectangular and don't return a value), this function returns the next Block to run. For Reporter and Predicate Blocks (which return a value), the updateRun() function returns true/false to indicate if it is still running.

Defining Blocks

Blocks are defined in the various BlockDefs files for each category. These definitions determine how the Block looks and what it does when executed.

When the Block is told to update, it first updates all of the Blocks in its Slots. When they have finished, the Block runs Block.startAction(). This function defines the Block's actual behavior and is overridden by classes derived from the Block class. It returns false if the Block is done executing, and true if it still needs to be updated. Block.updateAction() is called on subsequent passes, until the Block finally returns false.

Here's an example from the Wait Block (defined in BlockDefs_control.js)

function B_Wait(x, y) {
    // Derived from CommandBlock
    // Category ("control") determines colors
    CommandBlock.call(this, x, y, "control");
    // Build Block out of things found in the BlockParts folder
    this.addPart(new LabelText(this, "wait"));
    this.addPart(new NumSlot(this, "NumS_dur", 1, true)); // Must be positive.
    this.addPart(new LabelText(this, "secs"));
B_Wait.prototype = Object.create(CommandBlock.prototype);
B_Wait.prototype.constructor = B_Wait;
/* Records current time. */
B_Wait.prototype.startAction = function() {
    // Each Block has runMem to store information for that execution
    const mem = this.runMem;
    mem.startTime = new Date().getTime();
    // Extract a positive value from first slot
    mem.delayTime = this.slots[0].getData().getValueWithC(true) * 1000;
    return new ExecutionStatusRunning(); //Still running
/* Waits until current time exceeds stored time plus delay. */
B_Wait.prototype.updateAction = function() {
    const mem = this.runMem;
    if (new Date().getTime() >= mem.startTime + mem.delayTime) {
        return new ExecutionStatusDone(); //Done running
    } else {
        return new ExecutionStatusRunning(); //Still running

Here's an example of a reporter with a DropSlot

function B_Split(x, y) {
    // Split is a ReporterBlock that returns a list
    ReporterBlock.call(this, x, y, "operators", Block.returnTypes.list);
    this.addPart(new LabelText(this, "split"));
    // Add parts with default values
    this.addPart(new StringSlot(this, "StrS_1", "hello world"));
    this.addPart(new LabelText(this, "by"));

    // New DropSlot which numbers, strings, and bools can snap to
    const inputType = EditableSlot.inputTypes.any;
    const snapType = Slot.snapTypes.numStrBool;
    const data = new SelectionData("whitespace", "whitespace");
    const dS = new DropSlot(this, "DS_separator", inputType, snapType, data);
    // Add a special option that tells InputPad to show prompt dialog
    dS.addEnterText("Edit text");
    dS.addOption(new SelectionData("letter", "letter"));
    dS.addOption(new SelectionData("whitespace", "whitespace"));
B_Split.prototype = Object.create(ReporterBlock.prototype);
B_Split.prototype.constructor = B_Split;
/* Returns a list made from splitting the string by the provided character. */
B_Split.prototype.startAction = function() {
    const string1 = this.slots[0].getData().getValue();
    const splitD = this.slots[1].getData();
    // Code which sets dataArray
    // Return result
    return new ExecutionStatusResult(new ListData(dataArray));

In summary, this.slots[i].getData() is used to access data from Slots, this.runMem is temporary storage that persists during a Block's execution, and ExecutionStatusResult is used to return a value.

Global variables (like tempo for sounds) are all stored in CodeManager.js.

Data types

Data in BirdBlox is automatically cast to strings, numbers, or booleans as the connections between blocks require. For example, if the string "3" is stored in a variable and the number 1 is added to it with the addition block, "3" is automatically converted to 3, which one is added to, returning 4. To enable this, a number of Data classes are used including StringData, NumData, BoolData, ListData (for arrays), and SelectionData (used internally when picking from DropSlots).

Each Data class has functions .asNum(), .asString(), .asList(). So in theory, a ListData could be converted into a BoolData, for example. However, while all conversions will successfully execute, conversions that make no sense are marked as invalid by setting .isValid to false.

All values stored in Slots and returned by Blocks are wrapped in these Data classes. To extract these values, call .getValue(), or if you are not sure that the data is the correct type (a NumData, for example), you can call data.AsNum().getValue() to be sure that a valid number will be returned.

NumData also has special functions .getValueInR(num min, num max, bool positive, bool integer) and .getValueWithC(bool positive, bool integer) to get a number in a certain range or with specific constraints, respectively. Note that slots such as NumSlots and BoolSlots automatically take care of running .asNum() or .asBool() when slots[i].getData() is called. However, if your number must be in a specific range or be an integer, .getValueWithC still should be used instead of .getValue().


To add a new Block to a category, simply open BlockList.js and add an entry in the corresponding BlockList.populateCat_[category name]() function. Blocks will appear in order.

To reorder categories, adjust the code in the BlockList() function in BlockList.js to reflect the new ordering.

To change the color of a category, check out the Colors.setCategory() function in Colors.js