
Implementation of Latent Replay, a Continual Learning strategy for Real-Time / On The Edge applications

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause Clear LicenseBSD-3-Clause-Clear

Latent Replay for Real-Time Continual Learning

This is a Caffe implementation of Latent Replay: a Continual Learning technique for Real Time and On The Edge applications.

A custom Caffe distribution packaged as a Docker image is used. More info and source code can be found here.

An official PyTorch implementation of the AR1* and CWR* algorithms with Latent Replay is also available here!


Our article is now available here!

    title={Latent Replay for Real-Time Continual Learning},
    author={Lorenzo Pellegrini and Gabriele Graffieti and Vincenzo Lomonaco and Davide Maltoni},

Running the experiments

You can run an experiment by following the steps below:

  1. Install the Nvidia Docker Toolkit from here

  2. Move inside the Run experiments folder:

cd "Run experiments"
  1. Prepare the project source and create the bash script. This can be achieved by issuing the following command:
python prepare_experiment.py method scenario replay path-to-core50 [--nvidia_docker x] [--latent_layer layer] [--replay_memory size]

where method can be "CWR", "AR1F" (for AR1* free) or "AR1S" (for AR1*), scenario can be "79", "196" or "391" (for NICv2-79/196/391) and replay can be "no", "pure" or "latent". You can also execute the script with a single argument "-h" to view a description of the expected parameters.

You can set the desidered Nvidia Docker run method by passing either:

as an argument. Defaults to nvidia-docker2.

When passing the "path-to-core50" argument, make sure that the selected folder contains the following content:

  • A file named "core50_labels.txt", containing the Core50 labels. Can be downloaded here
  • A folder named "core50_128x128" containing the 128x128 version of the CORe50 dataset. Can be downloaded here

You can set the replay memory size by passing the parameter "--replay_memory N" where N must be greater than 0. Defaults to 1500.

You can set the latent replay layer by passing the parameter "--latent_layer layer_name" where layer_name defaults to "conv5_4/dw". For a full list of available replay layers execute the provided script with the single argument "list_layers".

Here is an example of a valid command:

python prepare_experiment.py AR1F 391 latent /home/x/datasets/core50 --latent_layer pool6
  1. Running the aforementioned python script will have the following effects:

    • Copy the correct prototxt files inside the Project Source/NIC_v2/NIC_v2_X/REPLAY_TYPE/ folder;
    • Create a proper exp_configuration.json file inside the Project Source folder;
    • Create a run_experiment.sh file inside the Run experiments folder. Should be already executable when created;
  2. Execute the run_experiment.sh script as follows:


This will run the experiment on "run0" inside our docker image in interactive mode (issuing the CTRL+C command or closing the terminal will terminate the experiment).


The content of this repository can be summarized as follows:

  • The project source code (Project Source folder)
    • inc_training_Core50.py contains the entry point;
    • nicv2_configuration.py contains the experiment configuration loader;
    • The filelists used (batch_filelists subdirectory): for the proposed scenarios (NICv2 79, 196, 391) we provide a separate folder, each containing a sub-directory for each run. We used the first 5 runs in order to obtain the average test accuracy curves reported in our paper;
    • A MobileNetV1 pretrained with ImageNet (models/MobileNetV1.caffemodel);
    • The prototxt(s) describing the solvers and nets (NIC_v2 folder);
  • A set of configuration scripts required to run the experiments (Run experiments folder)

Core50 Dataset

The Core50 Dataset can be downloaded from https://vlomonaco.github.io/core50/index.html#download In our test we used the 128x128 version, zip archive.