- 0qlGermany
- 7u4
- alamise
- AMCorvi@Sexton
- BboyAweyMexc
- danilutkinSaint-Petersburg
- DenizGazitepeStuttgart, Germany
- easylogic@summernote @easylogic @elf-framework
- esnekoLatvia
- fhchina
- GeneralMineFraunhofer IAO, Code+Design Initiative
- gloriouskilka
- HanyaElhashemy
- happybang@bytedance
- iozbeyli@motius
- J-Taro
- jerhard
- kruscheTechnische Universität München
- MaisiKoleni@adessoSE
- ManuelbaunGermany
- martindevtum@myposter-de
- martinmo@cloudandheat
- mgreisslMunich
- mibresslerTUM, Chair for Law and Security of Digital Transformation @tum-elaw
- n0spacesKansas State University
- pinarmrvTechnical University Munich
- RaphaelBeckerPixida GmbH
- sdabboMunich, Germany
- simon-hngMunich, Germany
- SirBergSysadmin @stabl-energy
- thilo-behnke
- ti2811hMunich
- TobiasPrKaia Health Software GmbH
- VictorPrueferMunich
- wooter-sHangzhou, Zhejiang, China
- ziaochina北京