
Primary LanguageVue

Vue Storefron Shopify Template

Vue Storefront 2 template for Shopify.


  1. Create a .env inline with middleware.config.js file and fill the following required variables
SHOPIFY_DOMAIN=<SHOPIFY_DOMAIN> # example: vsf-next-pwa.myshopify.com
  1. Run the project
# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev

# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start

# generate static project
$ yarn generate

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs / Vue Storefront Docs.


This repository is autogenerated. If you want to contribute to Shopify integration please use https://github.com/vuestorefront/shopify.