
webhooks listen for dropbox changes to convert image pdf to text and repost converted files

Primary LanguagePython



REST API to match and combine user records in standard format.


The API uses AWS Lambda, API Gateway and python3.

> sh deploy.sh
usage: deploy branch build_number
> sh deploy.sh master 0
Deploying s3://agsu-build-deploy/user-recom/api/lambda/0/lambda_function.zip
upload: ./lambda_function.zip to s3://agsu-build-deploy/user-recom/api/master/0/lambda_function.zip


Configure the service module and an Elasticsearch host URL using the elasticsearch_url environment variable. Environment variables are passed to Lambda functions via a config. A comparable conventional variable would be:



Match is the basic get and upsert operation, matching an existing user where any of the following achieve threshold and adding any new information.

  • user_id
  • email
  • browser_fingerprint
  • any text
curl -X PUT https://aws-apigateway-host/user-recom/match \ 
    -d '{"user_id": "aa-b-cc", "email": "my@email.com", "browser_fingerprint": "50fe9"}'
200 ok
{"user_id": "aa-b-cc", "email": "my@email.com", "browser_fingerprint": "50fe9"}    

Modifying data can be avoided by using a get.

curl -X GET https://aws-apigateway-host/user-recom/match \ 
    -d '{"user_id": "aa-b-cc", "email": "my@email.com", "browser_fingerprint": "50fe9"}'
200 ok
{"user_id": "aa-b-cc", "email": "my@email.com", "browser_fingerprint": "50fe9"}

Additional writes merge provided records with the best existing match or create a new one. The endpoint is invoked as:

curl -X PUT https://aws-apigateway-host/user-recom/recombine -d '{"browser_fingerprint": "50fe9", "locale": "en-GB"}'


The API uses an Elasticsearch cluster. Elasticsearch should be behind a firewall and for testing, it can be accessed via a tunnel to a bastion host on a secure subnet. Where the ssh configuration is like:

> cat ~/.ssh/config
Host es_tunnel 
HostName my_bastion_host
User ubuntu 
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/bastion.pem
LocalForward 9200 my_elasticsearch_host:443

And the tunnel is activated and used like:

> ssh es_tunnel -N &
> curl -k https://localhost:9200