
API for libpostal address parse/expand/normalize

Primary LanguagePython


API for libpostal address parse/expand/normalize


Get the API running in docker container with:

docker run -p 5017:5017 --name locnormal-api-test lsamaha/locnormal-api


Parse an address:

curl http://myhost:5017/parse?address=1+Park+St+Boston+MA+02128
{"house_number": "1", "postcode": "02128", "city": "boston", "state": "ma", "road": "park st"}

Normalize an address:

curl http://myhost:5017/normal?address=1+Park+St+Boston+MA+02128
1 park street boston massachusetts 02128

Normalize multiple addresses:

curl http://myhost:5017/normal?addresses=%5B%221+Park+St.%2C+Boston+MA+02128%22%2C%22110+Milk+Street%2C+Boston%2C+Massachusetts+02128%22%5D
["1 park street boston massachusetts 02128", "110 milk street boston massachusetts 02128"]


Spin up in an existing ECS cluster with:

aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://ecs-task-def.json
aws ecs run-task --cluster loc-api-dev --task-definition <task-def-arn>

#note This simple container should live in an app subnet and be paired with an nginx container in a public subnet to proxy the public load.