
Apply series into a repository

Primary LanguagePython

Gets a series and apply it into a repository


# take last series and apply into the cairo project

> pwpatch --pw-project cairo
getting mboxs since: last
        mbox /tmp/testpatch/cairo/mbox/mbox-134-2
patching the repo /tmp/testpatch/cairo/repo
        patch /tmp/testpatch/cairo/mbox/mbox-134-2 applied

# List possible arguments

> pwpatch --help
usage: pwpatch [-h] [--test-file TEST_FILE] [--test-directory TEST_DIR]
               [--pw-url PW_URL] [--workspace-directory WORKSPACE_DIR]
               [--pw-project PW_PROJECT] [--series SERIES] [--since SINCE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --test-file TEST_FILE
                        File containing the a test case to execute
  --test-directory TEST_DIR
                        Directory containing the test cases to execute
  --pw-url PW_URL       Patchwork web instance
  --workspace-directory WORKSPACE_DIR
                        The workspace directory
  --pw-project PW_PROJECT
                        Patchwork project
  --series SERIES       Specify the series number. If present, the "--since"
                        argument is ignored
  --since SINCE         Specify the range of series to tests