
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MultiExplorer Tool - version 1.0

Muliexplorer is a framework that provides a processor chip design by putting together performance simulation, physical estimation, and design space exploration steps. MultiExplorer uses Sniper as the performance simulator and McPAT as the physical estimator. The design space exploration (DSE) is performed by a NSGA2-based algorithm. In this current version, Muliexplorer also adopts a brute-force (bf) algorithm to explore all viable alternatives to the design. The bf has been used as a validation step to our DSE approach. Multiexplorer assumes that all processor designs are dar silicon aware so that it uses the power density as a constraint in the DSE step.To know more about Multiexplorer and its Dark-Silicon aware - DSE approach please refers to our paper:

SANTOS, R.;DUENHA, L.; SILVA, A. C. S.; BIGNARDI, T.; SOUSA, M.; TEDESCO, L.; MELGAREJO JUNIOR, J.; AZEVEDO, R.; ORDONEZ, E. D. M.. Dark-Silicon Aware Design Space Exploration. JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, v. 120, 2018, pp 295-306, ISSN 0743-7315.


If you want to install Multiexplorer source codes in your host machine without a VM. Be sure to have all these softwares:

How to Install ?

This is a Multiexplorer-VM package based on Ubuntu 14 ready to use Multiexplorer. All dependencies, benchmarks suites, and input examples are available from the ds-repo folder.

Run your first simulation

After starting the Multiexplorer VM, open a terminal window and type:

$ cd ds-repo

There are many input examples available in the input-examples folder. You should run one of the .json files in that folder. For example:

$ python MultiExplorer/src/MultiExplorer.py input-examples/quark.json

Just wait the simulation steps finish. All the output files will be in the rundir folder. Note that Multiexplorer will create a folder for your design and simulation,5n the rundir folder, following the order: PerformanceSimulatorJSONInputApplicationDate_Time. Example: SniperSimQuarkCholesky20210205_104802

Output files

These files will be in the rundir folder after running MUltiexplorer:

ArchComparison.csv: a csv file with physical and performance results from the original and the proposed design.

MCPATPhysicalResults.txt: McPAT physical estimates (area, power, etc.) of the original design.

outputBruteForce.csv: a csv file with all the configurations obtained from our BF DS-DSE algorithm.

performanceReport.txt: outputs of the performance simulator.

populationResults.csv: a csv file with all the configurations from our NSGA2-based DS-DSE algorithm.

sim.info: log file of the benchmark compilation.

sim.out: output of the performance simulator.

SniperPerformanceResults.txt: log file of the performance simulator

SniperSimQuarkCholesky_mcpatInput.xml: input file for the Physical estimator (McPAT).

**May there are other files that are reserved for future use in Multiexplorer.

Contact us

Please send us any doubt or comments to lscad.facom.ufms@gmail.com