
Fairbundled is an online marketplace to enable municipalities to acquire sustainable and certified supplies by gathering offered sustainable products and bundling the demands of multiple buyers to achieve more affordable prices.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Web Application Engineering Project at TUM University, Munich


Table of Contents

About the Project


Fairbundled is an online marketplace to enable municipalities to acquire sustainable and certified supplies by gathering offered sustainable products and bundling the demands of multiple buyers to achieve more affordable prices.

We are motivated to promote sustainable procurement in German municipalities!

Reported pains occurring during procurement processes in city administration are (i) high costs for sustainable products that do not match the budget and/or are difficult to justify, (ii) analogue, decentralized and bureaucratic overhead of product comparison, selection and ordering, and (iii) ambiguity with respect to certification integrity and relevance.

These are addressed by the following main features of Fairbundled:

  • Order Bundling: Enabling customers to collectively submit an order, leads to larger order volumes which provide plannability and scaling effect on the supplier side, resulting in lower product prices.
  • Online Marketplace: Fairbundled serves the one shop stop for online sustainable procurement irrespective of certain supplier products brands or product groups. Products are filterable and can be compared in a convenient, easy-to-access user interface.
  • Certification Transparency: Fairbundled verifies integrity of relevant certifications with respect to sustainability aspects and displays is transparently in the user interface.

So don't hesitate:

Check out the Fairbundled

Regarding acknowledgement, find more information here.

Built With

Technical Documentation

Additional material documenting technical decisions, such as the UML Class Diagram, are collected in the docs folder on the project's top level and explained in the respective README.md file.

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.

  1. Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:lschlesinger/fairbundled.git
  1. Navigate into subfolders to find out about requirements and further installation steps

Project Status

Specific implementation tasks

The following table summarizes the status of specific implementation tasks structured by the app's URL's, associated Use Cases (see below) and Views.

Frontend implementation covers a well designed and functioning frontend interaction of a user whereas backend implementation covers the existence of respective endpoints, triggering the retrieval of well defined data from the database.

UC_I: Offer a product as supplier

UC_II: Search a product

UC_III-I: Create Fairbundle for specific product as municipality

UC_III-II: Join existing Fairbundle for a specific product as municipality

UC_IV: Analyze Municipality Activity

UC_GENERAL: General functionality, required for prototype

UC_ADDITIONAL: Regular Order Checkout (no collective / Fairbundle) order

FrontendURL UC Associated View incl. Modal Frontend Implementation Backend Implementation
/ UC_GENREAL LandingView Done Done
/register UC_GENERAL RegisterView Done Done
/login UC_GENERAL LoginView Done Done
/edit UC_GENERAL UserEditView Dummie Dummie
/checkout UC_ADDITIONAL CheckoutView Done Done
/product UC_II, UC_IV ProductListView Done Done
/product/:id UC_III-I ProductDetailView CreateFairbundleModalView FairbundleCreatedModalView Done Done
UC_III-II ProductDetailView JoinFairbundleModalView FairbundleJoinedModalView Done Done
/product/create UC_I ProductCreateView ProductPreviewModalView Done Done
/account UC_I AccountView for supplier Done Done
UC_IV AccountView for municipality Done Done

General implementation tasks

  • Header / Footer Design (done)
  • Authorization (done)
  • Data validation (done for product creation)
  • Database setup (done)
  • Database enrichment with mock data (done to a very limited degree)

Organizational tasks

  • Project structure / repo organization (done)
  • Task and issue management (done)
  • Documentation (ongoing)
  • Deployment on Heroku (done)


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.