
Keycloak (https://www.keycloak.org/) custom authenticator for the Italian Carta Nazionale dei Servizi (CNS)

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Keycloak (https://www.keycloak.org/) custom authenticator for the Italian Carta Nazionale dei Servizi (CNS)

Project details

The Italian CNS is an X.509 based authentication mechanism that uses digital certificates on Smart Cards/USB Tokens to provide trusted authentication to Public Administrations. There is a bunch of accredited institutions (https://eidas.agid.gov.it/TL/TSL-IT.xml) that can issue cards and they are widespread because every company in Italy must have at least one.

Keycloak natively supports X.509 authentication, however its use is really limited because it only allows the "corporate" use of certificates by requiring that all certificates are associated to existing users beforehand. This is obviously not the case for the Italian CNS.

This project aims to create a new Authenticator that automatically creates users when a new certificate is presented to Keycloak.


This project is under development, so for the moment I won't publish any release and you will have to build it yourself.
It works and allows the creation of users from the data contained in the client certificate. The attribute mapping is hardcoded - if you want to change it, please see file CnsX509ClientCertificateAuthenticator.java.

Until the project gets to a stable release, it will be targeting the most recent release of Keycloak as published on the website (see property version.keycloak in file pom.xml). Currently the main branch is targeting Keycloak 16.1.1. Do not use this provider with previous versions of Keycloak, it won't work!

I am also wondering if it should become a fully-fledged Identity Provider instead of an authenticator, but this will take quite some time to study and implement.

Build requirements

  • git
  • JDK8+
  • Maven


Just run mvn clean package for a full rebuild. The output package will be generated under target/cns-authenticator.jar.


This provider should be deployed as a module, i.e. copied under {$KEYCLOAK_PATH}/standalone/deployments/, with the right permissions. Keycloak will take care of loading the module, no restart needed.

Use this command for reference:

mvn clean package && \
sudo install -C -o keycloak -g keycloak target/cns-authenticator.jar /opt/keycloak/standalone/deployments/

If successful you will find a new Execution Flow type called CNS X509/Validate Username Form in the Add Execution drop down list in the Authentication configuration screen.

Open issues and limitations

Feel free to open issues on GitHub if you spot something not working correctly!

Related projects

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This project is released under the Apache License 2.0, same as the main Keycloak package.