
~/.vimrc and ~/.vim directories. I use MacVim but this setup should be OS-agnostic. Extraneous buffers are enabled in MacVim but not console vim, for which toggle keys exist to open up NERDTree, Taglist, MiniBuffexplorer, etc.

Primary LanguageVim Script

.vimrc for vim/macvim/vimR http://github.com/lsd/vim

  • recommended usage: Rather than clone this repo, grab the vimrc file and save locally as ~/.vimrc or copy into your ~/.vimrc, install the NeoBundle vim plugin, open vim, run :NeoBundleInstall

I use VimR and MacVim but this setup should be OS-agnostic. Please contribute/contact if you encounter problems.

Note that this cfg maps nearly all Fn keys, use/disable/edit as needed


This config uses (and includes) NeoBundle for plugin management. For manual installation, remove bundle/neobundle.vim from the repo and follow the instructions on https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim

SCREENSHOT (outdated; I no longer use TagList)

Alt text


  • Clone repo, ln -s repo ~/.vim then symlink ~/.vimrc to ~/.vim/vimrc
  • Launch vim and run :NeoBundleInstall to install plugins


I disable the left/right sidebars when opening vim in a console. They only auto open in MacVim because of how I use MacVim and vim. If you want these buffers to open with vim, remove the if has("gui_running") clause