
Ahoy Enterprise Helm Charts

Primary LanguageSmarty


Ahoy Enterprise Helm Charts


Helm repo

helm repo add ahoy-enterprise https://lsdopen.github.io/ahoy-enterprise-helm
helm repo update

Enterprise image

In order for the Ahoy Enterprise server image to be pulled, a secret with the correct docker registry credentials to access the enterprise image will need to be created.

For example:

kubectl create secret docker-registry ahoy-enterprise-image-registry --namespace ahoy --docker-server https://docker.io/ --docker-username <username> --docker-password <password>

The name of the secret then needs to be updated in the values file:

  - name: ahoy-enterprise-image-registry

Helm install

helm install ahoy-enterprise --namespace ahoy-enterprise --create-namespace --values values.yaml ahoy-enterprise/ahoy-enterprise