
WEB version of Shawn WSN Simulator

Primary LanguageMakefile

ShawnWEB: The fast, highly customizable sensor network simulator, ¡Now Dockerized!


Shawn [1] is a discrete event simulator for sensor networks. Due to its high customizability, it is extremely fast but can be tuned to any accuracy that is required by the simulation or application.

Original Project and Documentation

How to run it

  • Install Docker and docker-compose
  • Clone this repo
  • Import shawnweb_pgdata.tar.bz2 as shawnweb_pgdata docker volume
  • CD with terminal/console to shawnweb path and run docker-compose up -d
  • Access it in http://localhost:8888 with username and pwd test
  • Can stop containers by running docker-compose down


  • Create and run WSN simulations with easy scenario specifications
  • Optionally, you can add visual style settings to nodes and edges
  • Simple compile and run, export and download results
  • Manage scenarios: import and export simulation scenarios with original shawn xml file

Known issues

  • Problems regarding the resolution of paths and directories in Windows operating system, open pull requests ;)