

To successfully run on RHEL8 the following prerequisite packages should be present:

  • gcc
  • git
  • python3 (and/or python2)
  • python3-devel (and/or python2-devel)
  • python3-virtualenv (and/or python2-venv)

To quickly install the prerequisites the following steps for RHEL8 should help:

  1. Install a (non-platform) Python 3 and pre-requisite dev tools; Python 3 devel & virtualenv, Git and GCC.
  2. Create and activate a venv to install tox into.
  3. Pip install tox. Note this is installing into the active venv.
# yum -y install python3 python3-virtualenv python3-devel git gcc
$ python3 -m venv .tox-venv
$ . .tox-venv/bin/activate
(.tox-venv) $ pip install tox

At this point it should be possible to git clone the repository and build the Tox testing venvs.


For RHEL7 the steps are largely the same with some minor tweaks:

# yum -y install python-virtualenv git gcc
$ python -m virtualenv .tox-venv
$ . .tox-venv/bin/activate
(.tox-venv) $ pip install tox