Quay Org / User Mirror

Simple bash script to mirror a set of repositories from a quay organisation or user to a new destination, using skopeo, curl and jq. The script can be run from the cmd line by setting the appropriate environment variables, or via a kubernetes job.


To Mirror

To mirror directly to another registry:

export SOURCE='quay-source.example.com'
export DEST='destination.example.com'
export OAUTH='quay_source_oauth_token'
export NAMESPACE='ocp4'
export RETRIES='3'
export ATTEMPTS='3'
export EXTRA_ARGS=''
export AUTHFILE=$(pwd)/auth.json

podman login --authfile ./auth.json quay-source.example.com
podman login --authfile ./auth.json destination.example.com


To run via Kubernetes, update the secrets mirror/to-mirror/mirror-secrets.yaml and registry-secrets.yaml and run kustomize.

kubectl apply -k ./mirror/to-mirror

Ensure that you're authenticated to correct cluster / project.

To Disk

To mirror to disk:

export SOURCE='quay-source.example.com'
export DEST='/absolute/path/to/directory'
export DEST_PROTOCOL='dir'
export OAUTH='quay_source_oauth_token'
export NAMESPACE='ocp4'
export RETRIES='3'
export ATTEMPTS='3'
export EXTRA_ARGS=''
export AUTHFILE=$(pwd)/auth.json

podman login --authfile ./auth.json quay-source.example.com


To run via Kubernetes, update the secrets mirror/to-mirror/mirror-secrets.yaml and registry-secrets.yaml and run kustomize. Additionally, update the definition of the mirror/to-disk/persistent-volume.yaml to target a valid location accessible in the cluster.

kubectl apply -k ./mirror/to-disk

Ensure that you're authenticated to correct cluster / project.


Name Example Description
SOURCE source.example.com The FQDN of the source quay repository
DEST dest.example.com The target to mirror images to i.e. FQDN of the destination repository or absolute path on local disk
DEST_PROTOCOL docker The skopeo protocol that describes where images are to be mirrored to i.e. docker or dir
OAUTH BKv3qfeIn4vNmALFtLdlZx5WeBVtRSfrqm2EkL5A An oauth access token for the source quay organisation / user.
NAMESPACE ocp4 The namespace (Organisation or User) to be mirrored
RETRIES 3 The number of retires to passed to the skopeo cmd
ATTEMPTS 2 The number of retries attemped for each repository
EXTRA_ARGS '--debug' Extra arguments to pass to skopeo
AUTHFILE ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/containers/auth.json Path to the registry authentication file
TAG_FILTER 4.12.11 An optional filter to obtain a subset of tags available in the namespace e.g. filtering for a particular OpenShift version


  1. The script retrives the list of repositories for the supplied namespace via the quay API
  2. The tags for each repository are retrieved to ensure we don't try to mirror an empty repository
  3. Retries are attempted via by skopeo and, on skopeo failure in the script