- 1140310118Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
- 1292150917
- chasing-ant
- dashen8888Utopia
- hellozim22China
- hjkim811SNU Big Data AI Center
- hongjianBaidu
- huahuabuaa
- jfkey
- kongds
- LittleGuoKe
- ll906875341
- lonyee1989
- lshowwayCopenhagen University
- MagNumberBallmer Group
- MaxwelsDonc北京航空航天大学
- nieallen
- qhu-Zero
- qhulongling
- sunnala
- TheOrchidGrass
- TianlinZhang668
- tifoit
- tqgminhHanoi University of Science and Technology
- ttslrInner Mongolia University, China
- tufo830China
- wangpangpang-666
- wongbokhe1
- yiminghua
- yujiaaoyu
- YvetteYangg
- Zhida1
- ZouR-MaHITsz
- zxy-zx