
The main objective of our project is to build an App for the doctors and patients so that the patients can get consultation from doctors via online during this pandemic created by Covid-19. There will be 2 Apps each for patients and doctors. In the patient app, a patient can choose a doctor to consult with according to his/her physical problem. After choosing, he/she will make an appointment with the doctor. After the appointment the patient will pay the doctor’s fee via Bkash. After paying in Bkash, patient will put the Transaction Id his/her payment in the app so that the doctor can verify payment is completed or not. On the day of the appointment the doctor will attend the patient via video calling from the doctor’s app. After the call is ended the doctor will send the picture of the prescription to the patient.

This project is supervised by Dr. A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BUET.

Patient app

Patient app code can be found in Patient_app branch :

Screenshots: patient1 patient2

Doctor app

Doctor app code can be found in Doctor_app branch :

Screenshots: doctor1 doctor2


Backend code can be found here :


  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB
  • Flutter
  • Apprtc