
This method proposes a new clustering algorithm that can automatically generate answers for various questions

Primary LanguagePython


This method proposes a new clustering algorithm that can detect the clustering centers and sizes automatically via density based metrics.

System Overview

The clustering algorithm RLClu is proposed based on the assumption of “Cluster centers usually have a higher local density and a relative larger distance from objects with higher local densities”. It consists of three steps: metric extraction, clustering center identification, and object clustering.

• Step 1. For each answer under a typical question, a parser is used to decompose it into keywords sequence. We only focus on the keywords that contain at least one Chinese word and its length should be bigger than 1. For example, “可以免费安装呀” will be decomposed to “可以//免费//安装//呀‘’, and ‘’呀’’ will be discarded;
• Step 2. Feed the keywords into the word embedding lookup to generate the vector for each word;
• Step 3. Calculate the similarity distance metric using SNN or cosine similarity and identify the nearest neighbor for each object;
• Step 4. Evaluate the centrality of objects based on K-density metric and minimum density-based distance;
• Step 5. Identify clustering centers and the number of clusters k by outward statistical testing. First, by sorting the product of the k-density and minimum density-based distance for each object in descending order, STClu generates a set of ordered statistics . Then, find an obvious gap between this ordered statistics from the largest end and choose top k nodes as cluster centers. Finally, the number of clustering centers is set as k and the objects corresponding to the first k objects are detected as the clustering centers;
• Step 6. Cluster the objects being not the clustering centers into the group containing its nearest neighbor with higher K-density.

Environment Setup

Please use Python 3.6 in the project. Install the dependencies via:

  • spicy
     pip install scipy
  • sklearn
     pip install -U scikit-learn
     conda install scikit-learn


Run QAsystem.py

  • Sample Input:
path1 = '/SampleData/vector_Sample.txt' #all value vectors   
path2 = '/SampleData/SampleTokens.txt' #tokenized answers  
cluster_top,cluster_all = auto_cluster(path1, 50 ,10 ,20 ,0) # function to run cluster algorithm  


cluster_top,cluster_all,valid_center,top_ = tfidf(path1,path2,50, 10, 20, 0,100) # function to run cluster algorithm, parser system and similarity matching  

Important: The Parser System here is an internal engine in our company and has not been officially online. We use Parser System to find the part of speech of each word. Therefore, you can use POS tagger instead when actually running the model.

  • Input Index:
     1. number_of_cluster
     2. k_nearest_neighbor: number of nearest neighborhood when calculating the K-density.
     3. top_n_of_each_cluster: Choose the top n from each cluster results based on similarity distance from centers.
     4. plot: Whether to show the graph. Yes: input a number to represent the length of x_axle; No: 0
     5. top_similar_sentence: similar sentences for each question
  • Result Explanation:
     1. result_df: cluster results for top n values in each cluster
     2. cluster_all: cluster result for whole values in each cluster
     3. valid_center: valid center list after POS tag
     4. top_: top m similar sentence for each question