
MongoDBx: M101x Introduction to MongoDB using the MEAN Stack (Homework 4.3)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Code Exercise

In this exercise, you will implement the home view for the MEAN retail application, the first view that the user will see when they visit your site. The view contains a single search bar that searches for products by text, that is, using the /api/v1/product/text/:query REST API endpoint.

You will primarily be concerned with writing code that passes the mocha tests specified in the test.js file. You will not need to actually run your code in the browser, you will instead use gulp and karma to run your tests. The tests in test.js will provide you faster feedback, and also will provide you an exact specification for what you need to do to complete this exercise.

In order to run tests, you should:

Inside server folder:

  1. Copy your completed config.json from the Chapter 3 homework assignment
  2. Run mongorestore
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run node index.js

Inside assessment folder:

  1. Run npm install in the provided sample code
  2. Start gulp using ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js watch
  3. Start karma using ./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start ./karma.local.conf.js
  4. You should take a look at the tests in test.js to see exactly what your AngularJS code should do.
  5. Modify controllers.js and templates/search_bar.html as described below until the tests pass and karma gives you the below output:
LOG: 'Tests Succeeded! Copy/paste the below code to complete this assignment:'
LOG: '<secret code here>'
Chrome 43.0.2357 (Linux): Executed 4 of 4 SUCCESS (0.21 secs / 0.126 secs)

To visit the app open http://localhost:3000/assessment/ using the browser.

Here's what you need to do with controllers.js and templates/search_bar.html to complete this assignment.

  • You will have to modify SearchBarController in controllers.js to fill out the update() function, which will make an HTTP request to the server and expose the server's response to your HTML.
  • You will have to modify the HTML in templates/search_bar.html to add an input field with class 'search-bar-input' that has a two-way data binding to the searchText variable, and calls the update() function using the ngChange directive. You will also need to ngRepeat a div element with class 'autocomplete-result' for each search result.