
This is for the record.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is for the record. --- Captain Price

Some of the codes are from Internet. Please let me know if you uncomfortable that I cited your code.

I will add "cite from xxxx's blog" after commit 5c12d182238be056fd2ca6c98adeacdee1f254ed if I have refered somebody's code.

Happy coding Happy Life.

Discussions are welcomed.

Update Jan/19: I'm starting add C++ solution.

Update Feb/11: I'm starting add Java Solution. FOR EXPEDIA!

Update Aug/16: I'm continuing my work. For fun.

# Title CPP Java Python
0 ----- CPP Java Python
1 Two Sum CPP Java ------
2 Add Two Numbers --- Java ------
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters CPP Java ------
5 Longest Palindrome Substring --- Java ------
7 Reverse Integer --- Java ------
8 String To Integer --- Java ------
14 Longest Common Prefix --- Java ------
15 3Sum --- Java ------
16 3Sum Closest --- Java ------
17 Letter Combinations Of A Phone Number --- Java ------
18 4Sum --- Java ------
19 Remove Nth Node From End Of List --- Java Python
20 Valid Parentheses --- Java ------
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists --- Java ------
22 Generate Parentheses --- Java ------
24 Swap Nodes In Pairs --- Java ------
25 Reverse Nodes In K Group --- Java Python
29 Divide Two Integers --- Java ------
34 Search For A Range --- Java ------
36 Valid Sudoku CPP Java ------
37 Sudoku Solver --- Java ------
39 Combination Sum --- Java ------
40 Combination Sum II --- Java ------
42 Trapping Rain Water --- Java ------
46 Permutations --- Java ------
49 Anagrams --- Java ------
50 Pow(x,n) --- Java ------
51 NQueens --- Java ------
53 Maximum Subarray --- Java ------
56 Merge Intervals --- Java ------
57 Insert Interval --- Java ------
61 Rotate List --- Java Python
64 Minimum Path Sum --- Java ------
67 Add Binary --- Java ------
70 Climbing Stairs CPP Java ------
72 Edit Distance --- Java ------
74 Search A 2D Matrix --- Java ------
75 Sort Colors --- Java ------
76 Minimum Window String --- Java ------
77 Combinations --- Java ------
79 Word Search --- Java ------
82 Remove Duplicates From Sorted List II CPP Java Python
83 Remove Duplicates From Sorted List --- Java Python
85 Maximal Rectangle CPP ---- ------
86 Partition List --- Java ------
89 Gray Code --- Java ------
90 Subsets II --- Java ------
92 Reverse Linked List II --- Java Python
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal --- ---- Python
96 Unique Binary Search Trees --- Java ------
97 Interleaving String --- Java ------
98 Validate Binary Search Tree --- Java ------
100 Same Tree --- Java ------
101 Symmetric Tree --- Java Python
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal --- Java ------
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal --- Java ------
104 Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree --- Java ------
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal --- Java Python
106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal --- Java ------
107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II --- Java ------
108 Convert Sorted Array To Binary Search Tree CPP ---- ------
109 Convert Sorted List To Binary Search Tree --- Java ------
110 Balanced Binary Tree --- Java ------
111 Minimum Depth Of Binary Tree --- Java ------
112 Path Sum --- Java ------
113 Path Sum II --- Java ------
114 Flatten Binary Tree To Linked List --- Java ------
117 Populating Next Right Pointers In Each Node II --- Java ------
118 Pascal's Triangle --- Java ------
119 Pascal's Triangle II --- Java ------
120 Triangle --- Java ------
125 Valid Palindrome --- Java ------
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence --- Java ------
130 Surrounded Regions --- Java ------
131 Palindrome Partitioning --- Java ------
134 Gas Station --- Java ------
136 Single Number --- Java ------
138 Copy List With Random Pointer --- Java Python
139 Word Break CPP Java ------
141 Linked List Cycle --- Java Python
142 Linked List Cycle II --- Java ------
143 Reorder List --- Java Python
144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal --- Java ------
145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal CPP ---- Python
146 LRU Cache CPP ---- Python
147 Insertion Sort List --- Java Python
148 Sort List --- Java Python
150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation --- Java ------
151 Reverse Words In A String --- Java ------
155 Min Stack --- Java ------
160 Intersection Of Two Linked Lists --- Java ------
162 Find Peak Element --- Java ------
165 Compare Version Numbers --- Java ------
168 Excel Sheet Column Title --- Java ------
169 Majority Element --- Java ------
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator --- Java ------
187 Repeated DNA Sequences --- Java ------
189 Rotate Array --- Java ------
203 Remove Linked List Elements --- Java ------
206 Reverse Linked List --- Java ------
226 Invert Binary Tree --- Java ------
234 Palindrome Linked List --- Java ------
237 Delete Node in a Linked List --- Java ------