
Live Javascript iA Writer-style Markdown WYSIWYG

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Peep, a javascript iA Writer-style Markdown WYSIWYG

Meet peep, your new friend. Peep is attached to a contenteditable, and then allows you to input live and lovely Markdown, which is automatically formatted, but still preserves your initial markdown syntax. It tries to replicate iA Writer's Markdown behavior to the extent possible in javascript.


The goal is to replicate the Markdown behavior of iA Writer using web technologies such as HTML5, some heavy javascript and a touch of CSS. That being said, it is not (at least for a start) made to match the Markdown spec, just a small cherry pick of it.


  • jQuery


Grab the source from Peep's GitHub repository and follow the examples. Peep is strict for editing and sends raw Markdown to your server. You will have to install a Markdown parser on your server to display the result to your end users.



  • Parses: footnotes
  • Known bugs: Editing still doesn't work, selection doesn't work. Ref-style links doesn't work. Basically, What You See Is What You Get, for now, as the previous version.


  • Parses Italic, bold, lists, images, links, blocks, headers
  • Functionality: The parser works, but interaction and contenteditable part remains to be perfected.

License & copyright

Peep is copyright Jonas Skovmand 2011 and licensed under the MIT license. You can find the full license in the LICENSE file.


A big thanks to Stack Overflow's excellent PageDown javascript markdown parser, from which I have borrowed heavily from in creating Peep.