Academic Projects

Academic Projects

Project Name Course Language & Tool Tags or Keywords
Simple Machine Operating Systems Concepts (CS 5348) C++11, CMake CLI virtual machine, IPC, pipe, OS's low-level behaviors
Theater Simulation Operating Systems Concepts (CS 5348) C++11, CMake multi-thread, semaphore, mutex, condition variable
Message Posting Operating Systems Concepts (CS 5348) C++11, CMake IPC, socket, server, multi-thread, mutex
Library Management Database Design (CS 6360) C++11, qmake GUI, Qt5, MySQL, MVC
Tiny Base Database Design (CS 6360) C++11, CMake CLI database engine, MySQL, SQlite, disk B+ Tree
HS Leader Distributed Computing (CS 6380) C++11, CMake HS Algorithm, leader election, multi-thread, mutex, condition variable
Asynch Bellmanford Distributed Computing (CS 6380) C++11, CMake Asynchronous Bellman–Ford Algorithm, multi-thread, mutex, condition variable
Mutual Exclusion Introduction to Multicore Programming (CS 6301) C++11, CMake n-thread mutual exclusion, tournament-based algorithm, TAS, TTAS
Concurrent Linked List Introduction to Multicore Programming (CS 6301) C++11, CMake concurrent linked list, lazy synchronization, lock-free data structure, multi-thread, condition variable
Concurrent Unbounded Queue Introduction to Multicore Programming (CS 6301) C++11, CMake concurrent unbounded queue, lock-free data structure, multi-thread, condition variable
Tweets Sentiment Analysis Big Data Management and Analytics (CS 6350) Python 3 Spark Streaming, Elasticsearch, Kibana
CUDA Implementation of Collaborative Filtering GPGPU Computing (CS 6301) C++11, CUDA, CMake CUDA, Parallel Algorithm, Collaborative Filtering, Recommendation System