
A minimal project for practicing algorithms in LeetCode with Visual Studio Code configuration

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A minimal project for practicing algorithms in LeetCode with Visual Studio Code configuration


  1. Most of the steps and configurations are from this zhihu answer.
  2. This configuration is for Windows 10 X64 with Visual Studio Code, MinGW-w64 and LLVM.


  1. Install Visual Studio Code
  2. Install MinGW-w64 with Architecture = x86_64
  3. Install Clang for Windows (64-bit) under Pre-Built Binaries with Add LLVM to the system PATH for current users
  4. Download zip file of this project
  5. Run powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File install_extensions.ps1 to install 5 extensions for Visual Studio Code
  6. Add MinGW-w64's binary path to current user's Path environment variable (included in the install_extensions.ps1)
  7. Enjoy!


Subtree Management

  1. See an Atlassian blog's article as a reference

Adding the sub-project as a remote

  1. git remote add -f lc_dbg https://github.com/lsmgeb89/lc_dbg.git
  2. git subtree add --prefix lc_dbg lc_dbg master --squash

Updating the sub-project

  1. git fetch lc_dbg master
  2. git subtree pull --prefix lc_dbg lc_dbg master --squash

Contributing back upstream

  1. git subtree push --prefix lc_dbg lc_dbg master