
This Github action updates a deployment running on Porter.

Primary LanguageShell


This Github action updates an app deployment running on Porter.


  - name: Checkout code
    uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.4
  - name: Update Porter deployment
    uses: porter-dev/porter-update-action@v0.1.0
      app: foo
      cluster: 1234
      project: 4321
      token: ${{ secrets.PORTER_TOKEN }}
      build_secrets: key1=val1,key2=val2  # Used internally by Porter

Configuration Options

The possible inputs are:

  • app: (string, required): Name of application.
  • cluster: (number, required): Cluster ID of Porter cluster.
  • host: (string, optional): Host URL of Porter instance. Set this if you use a self-hosted Porter instance.
  • namespace: (string, optional): Namespace of the application (default "default")
  • path: (string, optional): Path to build directory.
  • project: (number, required): Project ID of Porter project.
  • tag (string, optional): The specified tag to use (default "latest")
  • token: (string, required): Token for Porter authentication.
  • build_secrets: (string, optional): Comma-separated key-value pairs of secrets to be used in the build