
Primary LanguageTypeScript


A range tree is a data structure that stores queries for ranges, such as those along a line of integers.

Repository Initialization

  1. Clone the repository
  2. npm install

To run tests defined in rangetree.test.ts, do npm test


Definition: Suppose a range tree $\texttt{rt}$ contains the set $S$ of ranges where $S = \{ [a^1_\text{low}, a^1_\text{high}], [a^2_\text{low}, a^2_\text{high}], \ldots \} $, where for all $(i, j) \in [1, |S|]$ where $(i \neq j)$, it is true that $S_i \cap S_j = \varnothing$. In other words, all the ranges within $S$ are non-overlapping.

rt must support the operation insert([x, y]):

define $S^{xy}$ such that $\forall i \in [1, |S^{xy}|]$ it is true that $S_i^{xy} \in S$ and $S_i^{xy} \cap [x, y] \neq \varnothing$. In other words, $S^{xy}$ is the set of all elements within $S$ that have overlap with the requested range $[x, y]$.

define insert such that insert([x, y]) returns set $G$ of ranges such that $[x, y] = G \cup S^{xy}$, where $G \cap S = \varnothing$. Also, after insert, $S = (S \setminus S^{xy}) \cup \{a, b\}$ where $a$ is the lowest bound of all ranges in $G \cup S^{xy}$, and $b$ is the greatest bound of all ranges in $G \cup S^{xy}$.


Suppose the range tree currently holds the following intervals of integers before running each of the below queries: {[0, 10], [20, 30], [50, 70]}.

  • Query 1: insert([12, 17]) -> should return {[12, 17]} since this interval has no overlap in the range tree. The range tree now contains {[0, 10], [20, 30], [50, 70], [12, 17]}
  • Query 2: insert([5, 17]) -> should return {[10, 17]} since this interval is the gap that is needed to fulfill the query. The range tree now contains {[0, 17], [20, 30], [50, 70]}
  • Query 3: insert([25, 28]) -> should return {} (empty list) since the interval is already fully contained in the data structure. The range tree now contains {[0, 10], [20, 30], [50, 70]}
  • Query 4: insert([15, 35]) -> should return {[15, 20], [30, 35]} since both these intervals are needed to fulfill the query. The range tree now contains {[0, 10], [15, 35], [50, 70]}
  • Query 5: insert([0, 100]) -> should return {[10, 20], [30, 50], [70, 100]}. The range tree now contains {[0, 100]}


When performing an insert, we can consider the following cases at any given node of the tree:

Suppose the node has an interval given by {a, b} and we are inserting [x, y]

There are 6 cases:

  • Case 1: ---{---[---]---}---
  • Case 2: ---{---[---}---]---
  • Case 3: ---[---{---]---}---
  • Case 4: ---[---{---}---]---
  • Case 5: ---{---}---[---]---
  • Case 6: ---[---]---{---}---

For coalescing:

  • Case 1: No coalescing performed
  • Case 2: Our node becomes [a, y]
  • Case 3: Our node becomes [x, b]
  • Case 4: Our node becomes [x, y]
  • Case 5: Our node stays the same
  • Case 6: Our node stays the same
