The file structure is as follows:
- event_code
- free structure here
Inside each event participants are free to add their individual or group katas. So if you see something like this:
- Santiago_25
- GameOfLife
- TheCrazyOnes
- peter
- mary
You can assume that:
- This dojo was held at city of Santiago
- Was the number 25 within this city
- The group worked on the GameOfLife kata
- And that three solutions were added to the repo, one by a group called "TheCrazyOnes", one by the user peter, and the last one by the user mary.
Prior each event the root directory will be created, and maybe a sub-directory for each kata. You must fork the this repo, add your solution under the corresponding directory and submit a pull-request.
- Do not add binaries to your solution (.exe, .dll, .class, ...)
- Add a file to your root solution folder explaining all necesary details about it. If is a group Kata, include a list of people and their github users.