
Simple TypeScript utility methods for accessing the Malan authentication service

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Lib Malan

Some JavaScript/TypeScript utility functions for accessing the Malan Authentication Service


import * as malan from 'libmalan'

let malanConfig = {
  host: "",
  api_token: "",

// Log in with username and password
const { id, api_token, user_id } = await malan.login(malanConfig, "username", "password")

// Save API token for later use
malanConfig.api_token = resp.api_token

// Get the user object
const user = (await malan.getUser(malanConfig, user_id)).data

// Get the session object
let session = await malan.getSession(malanConfig, user.id, session_id)

// Validate that the current user token has admin role
const isAdmin = await malan.isValidWithRole(malanConfig, user.id, session_id, "admin")

// Log the user out (this will invalidate the API token)
session = await malan.logout(malanConfig, user.id, session_id)

Release Process

To release a new version:

  1. Update version number in package.json
  2. Run a build: npm run build
  3. Build a tarball you can verify: npm pack
  4. Publish latest version: npm publish