
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


MetricsIngest is a package in the LSST Science Pipelines.

The program creates scripts to be used to creat metrics files and inject results to squash. It also can create step yaml files for test-med-1 production. To make it flexible for use by different users and for different stacks user need to create and modify minput.yaml file. User also need to get squash login and password. This can be received through dm-hsc-reprocessing slack channel asking Angelo Fausti - @afausti.


dataset: Data used for test
run_id: Current ticket
version_tag: Current stack version
sand_box: Directory where json files will be created
date_tag: Date when production was complete
squash_login: Squash login
'<squash login>'
squash_pas: Squash password
'<squash password>'
repo: Repository where production results are located
run: Path to the production results


setup -r . Metrics




--help, -h : Help on commands

make-dispatch-sl : Create dispatch.sl script

make-dispatch-sh : Create dispatch.sh script

make-js-file : Create make_json.sl script

make-steps : Create step yaml files for step1 - step9


metrics make-steps ./minput.yaml

metrics make-js-file ./minput.yaml

sbatch make_json.sl

sacct - to see running jobs scancel JobId - to cancel some job if need

metrics make-dispatch-sl ./minput.yaml

metrics make-dispatch-sh ./minput.yaml

chmod +x dispatch.sh

sbatch dispatch.sl

The last command will run for a long time.