
User documentation for PanDA, the Production and Distributed Analysis system.

Primary LanguageHackCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

PanDA documentation repository (panda.lsst.io)

This is the Sphinx documentation repository for panda.lsst.io, the user guide for PanDA.

Contribution primer

Clone the source:

git clone https://github.com/lsst-dm/panda_lsst_io
cd panda_lsst_io

Install tox and pre-commit, which are used for running the Sphinx build and linting files, respectively:

make init

The documentation source files are located in the src/ directory. You can run a Sphinx build through tox:

tox -e sphinx

The built HTML site is located at _build/html.

If you ever need to fully delete the Sphinx build and the tox-based virtual environments, you can run:

make clean

You can validate that links work:

tox -e linkcheck

Pre-commit lints files before every commit, but you can also run pre-commit on-demand:

tox -e precommit

Viewing drafts

Through GitHub Actions, this repository publishes to https://panda.lsst.io whenever the main branch is updated. Builds of development branches are also published to the web at https://panda.lsst.io/v.

Refreshing the Python dependencies

For repeatability, this project uses Python dependencies defined in requirements.txt, which are installed in virtual environments managed by tox.

If you need to update these dependencies (e.g., to get a new version of Sphinx), run:

make update

To add a new dependency, or to change version constraints, edit requirements.in (not .txt) and then run make update to create a new requirements.txt file with compiled dependencies.