
Prototype code that monitors the images being transferred via rsync

Primary LanguagePython


Prototype code that monitors the images being transferred via rsync and ingested into Gen2 Butler repositories.

Writes an html page for the camera + src site + dayobs. Adds a row to a summary html page for the camera + src site. Keeps monitoring information in a database to make updates faster.


  • Python3
  • configargparse
  • sqlite3
  • Read access to rsync'd files, rsync logs, Gen2 repo, src site logs


Using configargparse allows configuration values to be set on the command line, a yaml config file (see config dir for examples) as well as environment variables (start with prefix RSYMON_)

The example config files assume that the following environment variables are set: RSYMON_DB_ROOT and RSYMON_HTML_ROOT For example:

    export RSYMON_DB_ROOT=${HOME}/public_html/rsync_monitor/db
    export RSYMON_HTML_ROOT=${HOME}/public_html/rsync_monitor

Example command lines:

  • Creating new sqlite3 file (--init_db):

    ./monitor_rsync.py --init_db -c config/auxTel_L1Archiver_monitor.yaml 2019-09-30
  • Running over a range of dates:

    ./monitor_rsync.py -c config/auxTel_L1Archiver_monitor.yaml 2019-09-01 2019-10-01


If you see an error like the following, the config file is probably missing quotes around string value that contains curly braces.

    monitor_rsync.py: error: Couldn't parse config file: while parsing a block mapping
      in "config/auxTel_DAQ_monitor.yaml", line 1, column 1
   expected <block end>, but found '<scalar>'
      in "config/auxTel_DAQ_monitor.yaml", line 11, column 21