Prototype code that monitors the images being transferred via rsync and ingested into Gen2 Butler repositories.
Writes an html page for the camera + src site + dayobs. Adds a row to a summary html page for the camera + src site. Keeps monitoring information in a database to make updates faster.
- Python3
- configargparse
- sqlite3
- Read access to rsync'd files, rsync logs, Gen2 repo, src site logs
Using configargparse allows configuration values to be set on the command line, a yaml config file (see config dir for examples) as well as environment variables (start with prefix RSYMON_)
The example config files assume that the following environment variables
For example:
export RSYMON_DB_ROOT=${HOME}/public_html/rsync_monitor/db
export RSYMON_HTML_ROOT=${HOME}/public_html/rsync_monitor
Example command lines:
Creating new sqlite3 file (--init_db):
./ --init_db -c config/auxTel_L1Archiver_monitor.yaml 2019-09-30
Running over a range of dates:
./ -c config/auxTel_L1Archiver_monitor.yaml 2019-09-01 2019-10-01
If you see an error like the following, the config file is probably missing quotes around string value that contains curly braces. error: Couldn't parse config file: while parsing a block mapping
in "config/auxTel_DAQ_monitor.yaml", line 1, column 1
expected <block end>, but found '<scalar>'
in "config/auxTel_DAQ_monitor.yaml", line 11, column 21