
A Kubernetes Operator for running the Confluent Schema Registry with a Strimzi-based Kafka cluster

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A Kubernetes Operator for running the Confluent Schema Registry in a Strimzi-based Kafka cluster that's optionally secured with TLS.


  • Once you deploy a StrimziSchemaRegistry resource, the operator creates a Kubernetes deployment of the Confluent Schema Registry, along with an associated Kubernetes service and secret.
  • Works with Strimzi's TLS authentication and authorization by converting the TLS certificate associated with a KafkaUser into a JKS-formatted keystore and truststore that's used by Confluence Schema Registry.
  • When Strimzi updates either the Kafka cluster's CA certificate or the KafkaUser's client certificates, the operator automatically recreates the JKS truststore/keystore secrets and triggers a rolling restart of the Schema Registry pods.

Deploy the operator

There are two steps for running strimzi-registry-operator. First, you'll need to deploy the operator itself — this is described in this section. Once the operator is deployed, you can deploy StrimziSchemaRegistry resources that actually create and maintain a Confluent Schema Registry application (this is discussed in later sections).

Two operator deployment options are available: Helm and Kustomize.

With Helm

A Helm chart is available for strimzi-registry-operator on GitHub at lsst-sqre/charts:

helm repo add lsstsqre https://lsst-sqre.github.io/charts/
helm repo update
helm install lsstsqre/strimzi-registry-operator --name ssr --set clusterNamespace="...",clusterName="..."

See the Helm chart's README for important values to set, including the names of the Strimzi Kafka cluster and namespace for KafkaUser resources to watch.

With Kustomize

The manifests for the operator itself are located in the /manifests directory of this repository. You can use Kustomize to build a single YAML file for deployment:

kustomize build manifests > manifest.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifest.yaml

To configure the name of the Strimzi cluster and the namespace where KafkaUser resources are available, you'll need to create your own Kustomize overlay.

A basic kustomization.yaml file is:

apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization

  - github.com/lsst-sqre/strimzi-registry-operator.git//manifests?ref=0.5.0

  - strimzi-registry-operator-deployment.yaml

Use the strimzi-registry-operator-deployment.yaml patch to set environment variables:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: strimzi-registry-operator
        - name: operator
            - name: SSR_CLUSTER_NAME
              value: events
            - name: SSR_NAMESPACE
              value: events
  • SSR_CLUSTER_NAME is the name of the Strimzi Kafka cluster.
  • SSR_NAMESPACE is the namespace where the Strimzi Kafka cluster is deployed and where KafkaUser resources are found.

Deploy a Schema Registry

Step 1. Deploy a KafkaTopic

Deploy a KafkaTopic that the Schema Registry will use as its primary storage.

apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta2
kind: KafkaTopic
  name: registry-schemas
    strimzi.io/cluster: events
  partitions: 1
  replicas: 3
    # http://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#topicconfigs
    cleanup.policy: compact

Note The name registry-schemas is currently required. The default name, _schemas isn't used because it isn't convenient to create with KafkaTopic resources.

Step 2. Deploy a KafkaUser

Deploy a KafkaUser for the Schema Registry that gives the Schema Registry sufficient permissions:

apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta2
kind: KafkaUser
  name: confluent-schema-registry
    strimzi.io/cluster: events
    type: tls
    # Official docs on authorizations required for the Schema Registry:
    # https://docs.confluent.io/current/schema-registry/security/index.html#authorizing-access-to-the-schemas-topic
    type: simple
      # Allow all operations on the registry-schemas topic
      # Read, Write, and DescribeConfigs are known to be required
      - resource:
          type: topic
          name: registry-schemas
          patternType: literal
        operation: All
        type: allow
      # Allow all operations on the schema-registry* group
      - resource:
          type: group
          name: schema-registry
          patternType: prefix
        operation: All
        type: allow
      # Allow Describe on the __consumer_offsets topic
      - resource:
          type: topic
          name: __consumer_offsets
          patternType: literal
        operation: Describe
        type: allow

Step 3. Deploy the StrimziSchemaRegistry

Now that there is a topic and a user, you can deploy the Schema Registry itself. The strimzi-schema-registry operator deploys the Schema Registry given a StrimziSchemaRegistry resource:

apiVersion: roundtable.lsst.codes/v1beta1
kind: StrimziSchemaRegistry
  name: confluent-schema-registry
  strimziVersion: v1beta2
  listener: tls

The next section describes the configuration properties for the StrimziSchemaRegistry.

StrimziSchemaRegistry configuration properties

These configurations can be set as fields of the StrimziSchemaRegistry's spec field:

apiVersion: roundtable.lsst.codes/v1beta1
kind: StrimziSchemaRegistry
  name: confluent-schema-registry
  strimziVersion: v1beta2
  listener: tls
  securityProtocol: tls
  compatibilityLevel: forward
  registryImage: confluentinc/cp-schema-registry
  registryImageTag: "7.2.1"
  cpuLimit: ""
  cpuRequest: ""
  memoryLimit: ""
  memoryRequest: ""

Strimzi-related configurations

  • strimziVersion is the version of the kafka.strimzi.io Custom Resource API to use. The correct value depends on the deployed version of Strimzi. The current Strimzi API version is v1beta2. Strimzi versions 0.21.0 and earlier support the v1beta1 API. (A deprecated version of the configuration is strimzi-version.)

Schema Registry-related configurations

  • listener is the name of the Kafka listener that the Schema Registry should use. The default value is tls, but you should set this value based on your Kafka resource. The "In-detail: listener configuration" section, below, explains this in more detail. See also: Schema Registry listeners docs.

  • securityProtocol is the security protocol for the Schema Registry to communicate with Kafka. Default is SSL. Can be:

    • SSL
    • SASL_SSL

    See also: Schema Registry kafkastore.security.protocol docs.

  • compatibilityLevel is the default schema compatibility level. Default is "forward". Possible values:

    • none
    • backward
    • backward_transitive
    • forward
    • forward_transitive
    • full
    • full_transitive

    See also: Schema Registry schema.compatibility.level docs.

Kubernetes configurations for the Schema Registry

  • registryImage is the name of the Confluent Schema Registry Docker image (without the tag). Default is confluentinc/cp-schema-registry.

  • registryImageTag is the name of the Schema Registry Docker image's tag. Use this property to change the version of the Confluent Schema Registry that you're deploying through the StrimziSchemaRegistry. Default is 7.2.1.

  • cpuLimit is the cap on CPU usage for the Schema Registry container. Default is to leave unset. Example 1000m limits to 1 CPU.

  • cpuRequest is the requested CPU for the Schema Registry container. Default is to leave unset. Example: 100m requests 0.1 CPU.

  • memoryLimit is the cap on memory usage for the Schema Registry container. Default is to leave unset. Example 1000M limits to 1000 megabytes.

  • memoryRequest is the requested memory for the Schema Registry container. Default is to leave unset. Example: 768M requests 768 megabytes.

In detail: listener configuration

The spec.listener field in the StrimziSchemaRegistry resource specifies the Kafka broker listener that the Schema Registry uses. These listeners are configured in the Kafka resource you created with Strimzi.

Consider a Kafka resource:

apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta2
kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
      - name: plain
        port: 9092
        type: internal
        tls: false
      - name: tls
        port: 9093
        type: internal
        tls: true
          type: tls
      - name: external1
        port: 9094
        type: route
        tls: true
      - name: external2
        port: 9095
        type: ingress
        tls: true
          type: tls
            host: bootstrap.myingress.com
          - broker: 0
            host: broker-0.myingress.com
          - broker: 1
            host: broker-1.myingress.com
          - broker: 2
            host: broker-2.myingress.com

To use the encrypted internal listener, the spec.listener field in your StrimziSchemaRegistry resource should be tls:

apiVersion: roundtable.lsst.codes/v1beta1
kind: StrimziSchemaRegistry
  name: confluent-schema-registry
  listener: tls

To use the unencrypted internal listener instead, the spec.listener field in your StrimziSchemaRegistry resource should be plain instead:

apiVersion: roundtable.lsst.codes/v1beta1
kind: StrimziSchemaRegistry
  name: confluent-schema-registry
  listener: plain

Strimzi v1beta1 listener configuration

In older versions of Strimzi with the v1beta1 API, listeners were not named. Instead, three types of listeners were available:

apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta1
kind: Kafka
    # ...
      plain: {}
          type: "tls"
      external: {}

In this case, set the spec.listener field in your StrimziSchemaRegistry to either plain, tls, or external.