
Primary LanguageVue

Test Application

This test application uses the latest version of Laravel (10.10) with Laravel Jetstream installed for ease of use with Authentication and installation of VueJS.

I have also used a simple SQLite database from my env DB_CONNECTION=sqlite

Once the repo is cloned


composer install && npm install

To install Laravel and all NPM dependancies.

Once that is completed you can run:

php artisan darkside:install

This will run the migrations, seeders & factorys.

Default login will be located at http://localhost:8000/login for example, unless you are using Valet like me, which my project is located in my code dir and I can access via http://darkside.test/login.

Once all this is done a simple npm run dev to start the Vite server will run the application, allowing you to login.

Details to login are as follows:

Email: demo@demo.com
Password: password1