2022 ESIP January Meeting/ESIP Cloud Computing Meeting (2022-04-25) Kerchunk Tutorial

Unlocking ARCO: Analysis-Ready Cloud-Optimized Data transformation in practice

Run on mybinder.org

Note: many parts of this repo are moderately memory-intensive and may not preform well (or at all) on the limited resources available on mybinder.org. It is recommended that you run this locally or on a more robust cloud-based jupyter instance


Run on GESIS

This is a separate service from the Leibniz Institute of Social Sciences that hosts its own Binder setup with more memory, and thus may work better that mybinder.org


Install locally

git clone https://github.com/lsterzinger/2022-esip-kerchunk-tutorial.git

cd 2022-esip-kerchunk-tutorial

conda env create -f ./environment.yml
conda activate kerchunk

jupyter lab