
Record a web page on the server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Multi Language


This project records the web page in the server.

What can it be used for

  • Record the user operation on the client, reproduce it on the server and record it.
  • Record any changes to the specified web page.
  • If there is the function of client recording, the computer requirements of the client can be reduced


  • Record for tab pages, so refresh web pages and jump can also be recorded
  • You can also record the sound of web pages, even if your server does not have a sound card.
  • Perfect crash, error processing mechanism
  • Built-in static compiled FFmpeg, can be used directly
  • You can add your own code to state, and it is very convenient.
  • Supports Chrome DevTools Protocol and VNC debugging

Quick start

Single Node

Use the rebirth project to record on the server

docker run -dit -P --name rebirth_alo7 -v `pwd`/rebirth_alo7/logs:/etc/www/logs -v `pwd`/rebirth_alo7/video:/root/Downloads -e MATERIAL_URL="https://www.alo7.com/en/" -e START_VNC="yes" rebirth:1.0.0

Multi Node

Web Page API

After the webpage is loaded, some api will be injected for the webpage to use.

// start record

// pause record

// resume record

// stop record

// record fail

// set extra info, The final information is delivered to your custom code
  foo: 'bar'

Environmental Variable

They are defined in docker-compose.yml

  • MATERIAL_URL: The url to be recorded, the default value is https://github.com/
  • START_VNC: Whether to start VNC, open as yes. The default value is no
  • VNC_PASSWORD: VNC connection password, default value is rebirth
  • MAX_RECORD_TIME: What is the maximum time of the current recording, in milliseconds, the default value is 7200000 (two hours)

How to customize code

In the src/hooks directory, create a new file: index.js, in the following format:

module.exports = {
   * Triggered when recording is complete
   * @param {Object} data - Client request body
   * @return {void | string | Object | number | boolean | Function | Promise.resolve}
  completeRecordAfter: (data) => {
    return true;

  // Triggered after recording failure
  // The parameters are the same as completeRecordAfter
  failAfter: () => {},