fn(/*text*/) || string
with optional data templating
install: npm install timpl
|| bower install timpl
window.timpl('one: {{one}}', {one: 1}); // ==> one: 1
window.timpl('two: {{0}}', [2]); // ==> two: 2
window.timpl(function () {/*
foo: bar
*/}); // ==> foo: bar
window.timpl(function () {/*
foo: {{bar}}
*/}, {bar: 'baz'}); // ==> foo: baz
Inspired by / compilation of
Why? Because this...
$('#content').replaceWith(window.timpl(function () {/*
<section id="content">
<img src="{{src}}">
*/}, {title: 'demo', src: '//placehold.it/200x200'}));
...is cleaner/easier to edit than this:
var title = 'demo';
var src = '//placehold.it/200x200';
'<section id="content">',
' <h1>', title, '</h1>',
' <img src="', src, '">',
NPM helpers
npm test