Go-consumergroup is a kafka consumer library written in golang with group and rebalance supports.
- Apache Kafka 0.8.x, 0.9.x, 0.10.x
func NewConfig(groupId string, topicList []string) (*Config, error)
creates a new config instance,most items in this config can be modified directly.
more details Config
func NewZKGroupStorage(serverList []string, sessionTimeout int) (*ZKGroupStorage, error)
creates a group storage instance based on a zookeeper quorum
func NewConsumerGroup(storage GroupStorage, config *Config) (*ConsumerGroup, error)
creates a consumer client with storage and config
func (cg *ConsumerGroup) JoinGroup() error
joins a group and starts to consume
func (cg *ConsumerGroup) ExitGroup()
stops consuming and exit
func (cg *ConsumerGroup) GetTopicNextMessageChannel(topic string) (<-chan *sarama.ConsumerMessage, error)
returns an unbuffered channel from which to get messages of a specified topic
func (cg *ConsumerGroup) GetTopicErrorsChannel(topic string) (<-chan *sarama.ConsumerError, error)
returns a buffered channel from which to get error messages of a specified topic
func (cg *ConsumerGroup) SetLogger(logger Logger)
sets the logger, you need to implement the Logger interface
more details Logger
more details about usage see example
type Config struct {
groupId string
topicList []string
SaramaConfig *sarama.Config
//sarama's config
ErrorChannelBufferSize int
//size of the error channel buffer, defaults to 1024
OffsetAutoCommitInterval time.Duration
//offset auto commit interval, defaults to 10 seconds
OffsetAutoReset int64
//sarama.OffsetNewest | sarama.OffsetOldest, defaults to sarama.OffsetNewest
//fetch messages from the oldest or the lastest when the offset is not present in zookeeper or out of range
ClaimPartitionRetry int
//maximum retries of claiming partitions, defaults to 5
ClaimPartitionRetryInterval time.Duration
//retry interval of claiming partitions, defaults to 3 seconds
type Logger interface {
Debug(args ...interface{})
Debugf(format string, args ...interface{})
Info(args ...interface{})
Infof(format string, args ...interface{})
Warn(args ...interface{})
Warnf(format string, args ...interface{})
Error(args ...interface{})
Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})