
A stylus library containing functions for generating flexbox prefixes.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


A stylus library containing functions for generating flexbox prefixes.


Just place the flexbox.styl file into your project, then import it in your stylus file with @import 'flexbox' Each function tries to accept as many official values (according to the Flexbox standard), but does require some changes.

Browser Support

Browser support can be seen here: http://caniuse.com/#search=flex-box



This code supports the following browsers:

Spec Prefixed Tweener
Opera 12.1+ Safari 6.1+ IE 10
Chrome 29+ iOS 7.1+
Firefox 28+ (current - 1)
Android Browser 4.4+
IE 11+

Known bugs for IE 10 and 11

Ref: https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/802625/min-height-and-flexbox-flex-direction-column-dont-work-together-in-ie-10-11-preview